1.030 USD
0.964 EUR
92.467 INR
1 203.833 ARS
94 856 EUR
9 484 138 INR
113 820 750 ARS
3 287 EUR
326 365 INR
4 066 601 ARS
661.341 EUR
64 650.203 INR
821 091.673 ARS

Market GateIo


The GateIo cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 3,860,587,583 per day and is ranked 18 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 6.90 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 2756 coins and has 3836 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 3 860 587 583
Number of coins:
2 756
Number of tickers:
3 836

Exchange tickers GateIo

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
HADES_USDT$ 130.06160.060970.07868+29.05%6 sec.
HOT_ETH$ 130.000000690.00000070.00000071+1.71%6 sec.
XPET_USDT$ 130.057960.0580.06125+5.60%6 sec.
FTI_USDT$ 130.00000840.00000820.0000084+2.44%7 sec.
APN_USDT$ 130.00109330.00090460.0010915+20.66%7 sec.
MINI_USDT$ 130.0140860.0140860.014842+5.37%6 sec.
AR_USDC$ 1215.616.2616.45+1.17%6 sec.
MAT_USDT$ 120.0012180.0011790.001218+3.31%6 sec.
MART_USDT$ 120.0032920.0032120.003293+2.52%6 sec.
PYR_ETH$ 120.00090.00089330.0009182+2.79%6 sec.
SUKU_BTC$ 120.000000820.000000820.00000082+0.61%7 sec.
HAI_ETH$ 120.000020550.000020420.00002087+2.20%6 sec.
RUNE_USDC$ 125.1014.9855.011+0.52%6 sec.
MSU_USDT$ 110.0017680.00176280.0017814+1.06%7 sec.
DEUS_USDT$ 1121.9921.822+0.92%6 sec.
OMNI_TRY$ 11315312.7314.4+0.54%6 sec.
DDD_USDT$ 110.0004680.0004680.0004776+2.05%6 sec.
ATEM_USDT$ 100.000320.000320.00034+6.25%6 sec.
JUV_TRY$ 1057.9455.6256.15+0.95%7 sec.
VENOM_TRY$ 102.0922.0952.111+0.76%6 sec.
LFW_USDT$ 100.0019020.0018020.002045+13.49%6 sec.
EQ_USDT$ 100.0000120.000011510.0000129+12.08%7 sec.
LPT_TRY$ 10524.71576.42578.83+0.42%6 sec.
NERD_USDT$ 100.0028120.0027270.003266+19.77%6 sec.
OPUL_ETH$ 90.00002390.000024080.00002541+5.52%6 sec.
KINE_ETH$ 90.000002550.000002380.00001394+485.71%6 sec.
DIS_ETH$ 90.0004310.0004330.000511+18.01%6 sec.
LEGION_USDT$ 90.001050.0010720.001192+11.19%6 sec.
88MPH_USDT$ 90.53160.51170.5321+3.99%6 sec.
EGG_USDT$ 90.0121070.0115290.012107+5.01%7 sec.
LEV_USDT$ 90.0021630.0020970.00219+4.43%7 sec.
BRICK_USDT$ 80.21560.210.2169+3.29%6 sec.
WOO_ETH$ 80.000060.000061030.00006166+1.03%6 sec.
FER_USDT$ 80.0048860.0048380.005209+7.67%6 sec.
SWTH_USDT$ 80.0021480.0017460.002164+23.94%6 sec.
ONC_USDT$ 80.060130.060.06013+0.22%7 sec.
FITFI_TRY$ 80.112753160.112714510.11446645+1.55%7 sec.
RED_USDT$ 80.00119580.001130.0011958+5.82%7 sec.
TOKE_ETH$ 80.0002030.0001960.000202+3.06%7 sec.
CNNS_USDT$ 80.000054580.000054580.00005789+6.06%6 sec.
GOF_USDT$ 70.00890.00890.00941+5.73%7 sec.
SFG_USDT$ 70.0023010.0023010.002412+4.82%6 sec.
JFI_USDT$ 76.2145.9126.243+5.60%6 sec.
NAOS_BTC$ 70.000000070.000000030.00000006+112.00%6 sec.
ALN_USDT$ 70.0017420.0017420.001801+3.39%6 sec.
KIF_USDT$ 710.63410.63411.097+4.35%6 sec.
FLR_TRY$ 70.94590.94010.9462+0.65%7 sec.
EMPIRE_ETH$ 60.000000030.000000030.00000004+34.34%6 sec.
SKM_USDT$ 60.000092990.000092990.000093+0.0107%6 sec.
FRAX_USDT$ 60.96910.9680.9744+0.66%6 sec.