1.006 USD
0.936 EUR
87.330 INR
1 076.460 ARS
69 829 USD
58 901 EUR
5 776 278 INR
67 730 012 ARS
3 468 USD
2 932 EUR
284 573 INR
3 437 752 ARS
663.033 USD
572.689 EUR
54 387.227 INR
656 662.667 ARS

Top P2P Exchanges

Rating of P2P Crypto Exchanges from P2P.Army with statistics based on the counts and volumes of P2P ads.
Ads count**Ads volume
#P2P MarketScoringActivity Buy Sell Total Buy Sell TotalFiats
1Binance P2P
1 378 39710 90729 18740 094$ 47 377 447$ 159 234 747$ 206 612 194119
2Bybit P2P
547 0355 3298 41713 746$ 20 101 707$ 59 712 658$ 79 814 36561
3Okx P2P
466 2963 1266 4019 527$ 19 403 047$ 52 611 545$ 72 014 592105
82 2531 7813 7275 508$ 9 296 406$ 29 093 306$ 38 389 71359
5Bitget P2P
101 1031 1113 6514 762$ 1 099 054$ 17 673 067$ 18 772 12167
6Kucoin P2P
58 7887533 4464 199$ 771 953$ 32 080 588$ 32 852 54045
7Mexc P2P
40 147143308451$ 493 701$ 1 027 621$ 1 521 3213
Total:23 15055 13778 28798 543 315351 433 532449 976 847

The comparison table contains only reliable P2P sites, so you can choose any of these P2P sites for P2P cryptocurrency exchange, regardless of their scoring.

**Volume of ads in the BUY section - The entire volume of advertisements with assets USDT, BTC, ETH is summed up. Only these 3 assets are available on all P2P exchanges. Other assets are not summed up to obtain the correct ranking ratio between P2P exchanges.

**Volume of advertisements in the SELL section - the volume of advertisements with assets USDT, BTC, ETH is summed up "partially", but with restrictions on max. amount: 10,000 USDT, 0.3 BTC, 5 ETH. I.e. if someone has a purchase ad for $10 billion, then we reduce the size of that ad to $10,000. Such measures were taken due to the problem of huge volumes in the SELL column, because Such advertisements are not backed by anything. No funds are reserved to create advertisements for the purchase of cryptocurrency in the SELL section.

The place of the exchange is determined by scoring. Scoring is our evaluation of the exchange based only on available statistics.

ATTENTION: All data provided is approximate accuracy, because the data were primarily obtained through public data indexing.

*Activity 24H - activity index from P2P.Army. This is the sum of the "number of ads" and the "number of changes in the volume of these ads" for the specified payment method. Those. if there is only 1 ad on the payment method, but the amount of the asset being sold (for example, USDT) has decreased or increased 5 times per day, then the activity will be equal to 6. (1 ad + 5 volume changes = 6 points).

This activity index only shows an "approximate" activity, and is not a real picture. It helps us to determine the rating of payment methods depending on the asset, for example, RUB/USDT and RUB/BUSD.

P2P platforms comparison chart

Comparison chart of P2P cryptocurrency exchanges from P2P.Army with various statistics.