1.000 USD
0.922 EUR
76.633 INR
1 185.377 ARS
79 918 USD
66 999 EUR
6 415 265 INR
82 867 008 ARS
4 327 USD
3 724 EUR
354 500 INR
4 570 833 ARS
715.943 USD
589.182 EUR
56 189.000 INR
733 726.330 ARS

Binance P2P spreads with Visa/MC

Checking USDT/FDUSD stablecoin spreads between Binance.P2P and direct purchase of the asset on Binance via Visa/Mastercard.

The tool contains more than 26 positive directions!

EVERY minute

Checking Visa/MasterCard card rates from Binance. Updates occur every minute and on average every 5-20 seconds for P2P prices.

with positive spreads 19 fiat(s)

and 26 positive directions, which you can currently use on Binance.

only 2 ASSETS

USDT and FDUSD. In this case, the calculation is immediately based on 2 possible options for buying/selling USDT or FDUSD.

Binance can be funded with the following fiat currencies:

Binance currently accepts payments in 45 fiat currencies via Visa/MasterCard bank cards.
We monitor the exchange rates for all listed fiat currencies.

Working with P2P strategies on Binance is based on simple steps:


Buy directly from a bank card on Binance stablecoin USDT or FDUSD.


Exchange FDUSD for USDT at spot (optional, only if FDUSD was purchased).


We sell on Binance through the P2P section as a taker or maker.

Who is this tool suitable for?

This tool is rarely suitable for all arbitrage traders. It may be suitable for arbitrage traders from those countries that currently have increased demand for cryptocurrency on P2P exchanges.
Observations show that there are usually about 10 countries where the demand for P2P exchanges is higher than Binance selling cryptocurrency directly from bank cards. This is often due to increased demand for cryptocurrency, such demand can be caused during times of financial turmoil.
Also, the tool may be suitable for international P2P traders from different countries who trade between countries. They often have partners in many countries or have the ability to find partners in the right places.


Requires P2P plan

To access this functionality, you need to subscribe to a P2P plan.