1.005 USD
0.958 EUR
90.507 INR
1 233.900 ARS
93 162 EUR
9 050 343 INR
120 130 000 ARS
2 768 EUR
253 251 INR
3 368 738 ARS
657.628 EUR
61 098.010 INR
816 560.980 ARS

Search for P2P spreads via SWIFT transfers

The tool helps to find profitable countries for working out P2P strategies through SWIFT transfers.
This tool does not provide full-fledged P2P possibilities, but only finds potential countries for further building international P2P work via SWIFT.
The difficulty of working through SWIFT is that it is necessary to look for partners from profitable countries.

Working with the SWIFT is based on the following stages:


Purchase the required fiat currency in country #1 and send it via SWIFT to country #2.


In country #2 exchange fiat currency for a crypto asset (for example USDT) through a P2P platform.


Sell the crypto asset (USDT) through a P2P platform to country #1.


more than 20 countries

Select banks from more than 20 countries.

more than 30 banks

Rates are collected from more than 30 banks.

more than 100 fiat(s)

We analyze all possible transfers for all available fiat currencies in P2P.


Requires P2P plan

To access this functionality, you need to subscribe to a P2P plan.