Bitget P2P Review
Bitget P2P exchange has 67 fiat currencies.
There are 1 299 advertisements in the BUY section on the exchange, the volume of which is 2 893 673 $. Crypto assets of USDT, BTC, ETH were frozen for this amount.
Our system identified 206 728 changes in ad volumes over the last 24 hours on Bitget P2P. This activity is great! It's about 143 changes in 1 minute! However, our system does not see everything, so the actual number of changes is much higher.
The most common way to trade on Bitget P2P is through currencies NGN, RUB, EUR, PKR, IDR, UAH, ARS, INR, KES, UZS, PHP, MYR, BDT, VND, CAD and EGP.
Activity 24H:
206 728 changes
Ads count:
5 621 pcs.
Volume of ads from BUY section:
$ 2 893 673
Fiats count:
67 pcs.