1.010 USD
0.938 EUR
89.787 INR
1 340.293 ARS
68 859 USD
57 934 EUR
5 923 918 INR
83 158 820 ARS
3 783 USD
3 276 EUR
328 736 INR
4 639 333 ARS
645.610 USD
631.503 EUR
53 916.007 INR
779 966.653 ARS

Binance P2P prices XRP for MXN (Mexican peso)

Calculation of interest from the exchange rate:

*Activity 24H - activity index from P2P.Army. This is the sum of the "number of ads" and the "number of changes in the volume of these ads" for the specified payment method. Those. if there is only 1 ad on the payment method, but the amount of the asset being sold (for example, USDT) has decreased or increased 5 times per day, then the activity will be equal to 6. (1 ad + 5 volume changes = 6 points).

This activity index only shows an "approximate" activity, and is not a real picture. It helps us to determine the rating of payment methods depending on the asset, for example, RUB/USDT and RUB/BUSD.

This page displays prices for purchasing XRP for MXN (Mexican peso) from the Binance P2P crypto exchange. The table displays P2P prices for buying and selling crypto assets:

  • The “BUY” column shows the price at which you can buy XRP. Here the ad owners (makers) sell you XRP.
  • The “SELL” column shows the price at which you can sell XRP. Here ad owners (makers) buy XRP from you.
  • The “%” columns show the spread (price difference) from your price in the “Calculation” field. Prices that are higher than your price are highlighted in green.
  • The “Number of Ads” column shows the number of merchant ads. There are "2 digits". The first number is the number of ads that buy XRP. The second number is the number of ads that sell XRP.
  • The last column with a “timer” shows the time of price synchronization with the P2P platform.

Use this table to quickly assess the situation with the prices of XRP for MXN on the Binance P2P platform.. And also visually find ways to buy/sell through the “Calculation of interest on the exchange rate” field.