1.015 USD
0.966 EUR
92.497 INR
1 210.253 ARS
94 777 EUR
9 617 000 INR
119 852 507 ARS
2 683 EUR
275 192 INR
3 462 135 ARS
577.655 EUR
56 965.667 INR
740 768.253 ARS


$ 20.93 USD
0.00021431 BTC
GT cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply
Calculator GateToken:
Enter the amount
1 GT = 20.93 USD


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoGT_BTC0.000214$ 21.34$ 76 8517 sec.
2HitbtcGT_BTC0.000067$ 0.0414$ 03 sec.
3GateIoGT_ETH0.007571$ 21.26$ 103 3568 sec.
4GateIoGT_USDT20.93$ 21.69$ 14 588 8408 sec.
5LBankGT_USDT20.93$ 21.69$ 6 104 2332 sec.
6HTX (Huobi)GT_USDT20.77$ 21.51$ 60 9993 sec.
7BitfinexGTX_USD20.91$ 20.90$ 4 7131 sec.
8LATOKENGT_USDT20.94$ 21.69$ 50 1403 sec.

Cryptocurrency GateToken today is estimated at $20.93, and the market capitalization is $ 6 279 169 618. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 21 286 963.

GateToken with ticker GT has a circulating supply in 96 488 518 GT.

Contracts GT:

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