1.011 USD
0.898 EUR
89.367 INR
1 226.813 ARS
67 258 USD
57 218 EUR
5 843 368 INR
78 536 333 ARS
2 707 USD
2 329 EUR
236 658 INR
3 272 993 ARS
630.115 USD
523.874 EUR
52 481.457 INR
716 697.650 ARS


$ 0.0358 USD
0.00000056 BTC
HMT cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoHMT_ETH0.000014$ 0.0368$ 6426 sec.
2BitmartHMT_USDT0.005883$ 0.005972$ 93 7972 sec.
3LATOKENHMT_USDT0.0357$ 0.0364$ 19 5394 sec.
4GateIoHMT_USDT0.0357$ 0.0363$ 10 0176 sec.
5CoinexHMT_USDT0.0351$ 0.0356$ 4 8871 sec.
6MexcHMT_USDT0.0338$ 0.0345$ 3390 sec.

Cryptocurrency Human today is estimated at $0.0358, and the market capitalization is $ 35 750 988. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 128 600.

Contracts HMT:

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