1.038 USD
0.965 EUR
93.893 INR
1 203.740 ARS
96 486 EUR
9 550 138 INR
114 562 963 ARS
3 445 EUR
327 991 INR
4 130 153 ARS
678.605 EUR
64 596.183 INR
830 700.000 ARS

Kunci CoinKUNCI

$ 0.000730 USD
KUNCI cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1DigiFinexKUNCI_USDT0.000733$ 0.000725$ 1493 sec.
2XT.COMKUNCI_USDT0.000735$ 0.000837$ 1491 sec.
3BitrueKUNCI_USDT0.000718$ 0.000736$ 6871 sec.
4MexcKUNCI_USDT0.000694$ 0.000722$ 1 4202 sec.
5BiboxKUNCI_USDT0.0183$ 0.028001 sec.
6CoinWKUNCI_USDT0.0014$ 0.001537$ 11 30033 sec.

Coin Kunci Coin today is estimated at $0.000730, and the market capitalization is $ 29 203 378. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 16 774.

Kunci Coin with ticker KUNCI has a circulating supply in 1 232 584 338 KUNCI with maximum circulating supply in 39 999 999 999 KUNCI.

Contracts KUNCI:

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