1.041 USD
0.965 EUR
91.600 INR
1 203.863 ARS
96 776 EUR
9 558 333 INR
115 017 193 ARS
3 453 EUR
327 248 INR
4 165 852 ARS
684.419 EUR
64 469.623 INR
844 033.333 ARS


$ 26.92 USD
0.00027868 BTC
KWENTA cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply
Calculator Kwenta:
Enter the amount
1 KWENTA = 26.92 USD


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1MexcKWENTA_USDT26.83$ 27.84$ 62 8932 sec.
2CoinexKWENTA_USDT27.02$ 27.93$ 2 4334 sec.

Cryptocurrency Kwenta today is estimated at $26.92, and the market capitalization is $ 16 341 604. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 65 384.

Kwenta with ticker KWENTA has a circulating supply in 431 809 KWENTA.

Contracts KWENTA:

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