1.017 USD
0.898 EUR
89.650 INR
1 227.327 ARS
56 602 EUR
5 778 164 INR
77 879 572 ARS
2 336 EUR
233 023 INR
3 047 617 ARS
517.351 EUR
53 334.503 INR
699 866.663 ARS


$ 0.000946 USD
0.00000002 BTC
MCRT cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1BitmartMCRT_USDT0.000939$ 0.000955$ 125 2791 sec.
2HTX (Huobi)MCRT_USDT0.000947$ 0.000961$ 60 7323 sec.
3BitgetMCRT_USDT0.000949$ 0.000965$ 17 8462 sec.
4MexcMCRT_USDT0.00095$ 0.000966$ 69 8641 sec.
5GateIoMCRT_USDT0.000943$ 0.000958$ 2 0930 sec.

Cryptocurrency MagicCraft today is estimated at $0.000946, and the market capitalization is $ 9 457 107. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 275 785.

MagicCraft with ticker MCRT has a circulating supply in 3 100 886 652 MCRT with maximum circulating supply in 10 000 000 000 MCRT.

Contracts MCRT:

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