1.026 USD
0.964 EUR
93.150 INR
1 195.447 ARS
94 416 EUR
9 611 755 INR
114 533 330 ARS
3 428 EUR
332 960 INR
4 208 912 ARS
673.374 EUR
65 216.667 INR
851 460.410 ARS


$ 0.003880 USD
0.00000004 BTC
MVL cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1UpbitMVL_BTC0.0000000433$ 0.003972$ 1226 sec.
2UpbitMVL_KRW6.3$ 0.004510$ 2 990 0886 sec.
3MexcMVL_USDT0.004135$ 0.004280$ 22 4892 sec.
4PoloniexMVL_USDT0.003371$ 0.00300301 sec.
5BybitMVL_USDT0.004143$ 0.004294$ 134 0844 sec.

Cryptocurrency MVL today is estimated at $0.003880, and the market capitalization is $ 107 878 570. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 156 019.

MVL has a circulating supply in 24 352 958 863 MVL with maximum circulating supply in 30 000 000 000 MVL.

Contracts MVL:

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