1.023 USD
0.926 EUR
87.753 INR
1 247.900 ARS
77 212 EUR
7 820 188 INR
102 810 381 ARS
1 900 EUR
186 037 INR
2 394 444 ARS
561.144 EUR
54 535.997 INR
742 835.423 ARS


$ 2.78 USD
0.00003382 BTC
MX cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1MexcMX_ETH0.001473$ 2.80$ 29 3154 sec.
2MexcMX_USDT2.78$ 2.83$ 19 044 1764 sec.
3HTX (Huobi)MX_USDT2.78$ 2.83$ 2 216 6472 sec.
4MexcMX_USDC2.78$ 2.81$ 45 8234 sec.
5BybitMX_USDT2.78$ 2.83$ 21 0572 sec.
6BitgetMX_USDT2.78$ 2.82$ 27 7201 sec.

Cryptocurrency MX TOKEN today is estimated at $2.78, and the market capitalization is $ 1 189 867 623. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 21 446 423.

MX TOKEN with ticker MX has a circulating supply in 98 959 034 MX with maximum circulating supply in 1 000 000 000 MX.

Contracts MX:

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