1.011 USD
0.900 EUR
89.550 INR
1 228.790 ARS
67 197 USD
58 440 EUR
5 831 344 INR
78 276 330 ARS
2 712 USD
2 361 EUR
233 600 INR
3 197 758 ARS
631.815 USD
534.040 EUR
52 499.000 INR
718 444.537 ARS


$ 0.0129 USD
0.0000002 BTC
ORDS cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1BitmartORDS_USDT0.0131$ 0.0132$ 10 8581 sec.
2GateIoORDS_USDT0.0133$ 0.0135$ 243 9467 sec.
3XT.COMORDS_USDT0.0133$ 0.0135$ 80 9793 sec.
4MexcORDS_USDT0.0132$ 0.0134$ 127 1384 sec.
5CoinexORDS_USDT0.0132$ 0.0134$ 17 0441 sec.
6BitgetORDS_USDT0.0132$ 0.0134$ 262 1412 sec.
7HTX (Huobi)ORDS_USDT0.0132$ 0.0134$ 1 233 5481 sec.
8PoloniexORDS_USDT0.0115$ 0.0114$ 14 sec.

Cryptocurrency Ordiswap today is estimated at $0.0129, and the market capitalization is $ 12 870 292. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 1 975 311.

Contracts ORDS:

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