1.005 USD
0.900 EUR
89.797 INR
1 227.140 ARS
66 654 USD
56 889 EUR
5 711 667 INR
78 125 833 ARS
2 721 USD
2 246 EUR
228 067 INR
3 041 863 ARS
629.043 USD
522.038 EUR
51 925.000 INR
702 586.933 ARS


$ 0.0000000133 USD
PAW cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoPAW_USDT0.0000000134$ 0.0000000135585695$ 88 9226 sec.
2BitgetPAW_USDT0.0000000134$ 0.0000000136683014$ 141 8543 sec.
3XT.COMPAW_USDT0.0000000134$ 0.0000000135585695$ 57 0533 sec.
4BitmartPAW_USDT0.0000000132$ 0.0000000133976159$ 96 5144 sec.
5MexcPAWSWAP_USDT0.0000000135$ 0.0000000136648596$ 39 4141 sec.
6CoinexPAWSWAP_USDT0.0000000134$ 0.0000000136233558$ 3 4371 sec.

Cryptocurrency PAWSWAP today is estimated at $0.0000000133, and the market capitalization is $ 13 320 039. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 385 416.

PAWSWAP with ticker PAW has a circulating supply in 429 085 008 744 460 PAW with maximum circulating supply in 1 000 000 000 000 000 PAW.

Contracts PAW:

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