1.027 USD
0.922 EUR
88.437 INR
1 241.390 ARS
77 464 EUR
7 858 195 INR
103 445 667 ARS
1 831 EUR
190 841 INR
2 424 264 ARS
540.833 EUR
52 463.653 INR
713 869.327 ARS


$ 0.004299 USD
0.00000005 BTC
SDEX cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply
Calculator SmarDex:
Enter the amount
1 SDEX = 0 USD


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1BitmartSDEX_USDT0.00394$ 0.004419$ 261 sec.
2MexcSDEX_USDT0.004437$ 0.004520$ 45 2591 sec.
3BitgetSDEX_USDT0.004407$ 0.004488$ 26 4401 sec.
4GateIoSDEX_USDT0.004412$ 0.004495$ 201 4196 sec.

Cryptocurrency SmarDex today is estimated at $0.004299, and the market capitalization is $ 42 985 833. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 273 059.

SmarDex with ticker SDEX has a circulating supply in 7 229 356 842 SDEX with maximum circulating supply in 10 000 000 000 SDEX.

Contracts SDEX:

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