1.007 USD
0.901 EUR
90.163 INR
1 226.827 ARS
66 646 USD
56 890 EUR
5 695 667 INR
78 138 667 ARS
2 691 USD
2 226 EUR
227 501 INR
3 027 927 ARS
626.853 USD
520.602 EUR
51 102.350 INR
700 999.997 ARS

Vita InuVINU

$ 0.0000000108 USD
VINU cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1MexcVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000106149394$ 122 3733 sec.
2GateIoVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000105987272$ 119 2063 sec.
3HTX (Huobi)VINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000105936609$ 112 7455 sec.
4BitgetVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000105784620$ 120 5804 sec.
5GateIoVINU_TRY0.0000003571$ 0.00000001055$ 2393 sec.
6BitmartVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000106392577$ 128 6901 sec.
7XT.COMVINU_USDT0.0000000107$ 0.0000000107912471$ 48 3292 sec.
8CoinexVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000106564832$ 10 0093 sec.
9BitrueVINU_USDT0.0000000105$ 0.0000000106797882$ 129 5473 sec.
10PoloniexVINU_USDT0.000000009803$ 0.0000000094537404$ 313 sec.
11CoinWVINU_USDT0.0000000147$ 0.0000000086633956045 sec.

Cryptocurrency Vita Inu today is estimated at $0.0000000108, and the market capitalization is $ 9 738 194. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 791 374.

Vita Inu with ticker VINU has a circulating supply in 899 788 135 847 220 VINU with maximum circulating supply in 900 000 000 000 000 VINU.

Contracts VINU:

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