1.017 USD
0.902 EUR
90.483 INR
1 251.973 ARS
52 264 EUR
5 389 988 INR
73 071 000 ARS
2 087 EUR
218 071 INR
2 901 754 ARS
492.814 EUR
49 879.003 INR
701 134.747 ARS


$ 0.004882 USD
0.00000008 BTC
VLX cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1EXMOVLX_BTC0.0000000867$ 0.005261$ 22 sec.
2CoinexVLX_BTC0.0000000831$ 0.004855$ 4 7521 sec.
3HitbtcVLX_BTC0.0000000771$ 0.00250200 sec.
4HTX (Huobi)VLX_USDT0.004877$ 0.004967$ 438 5902 sec.
5BingXVLX_USDT0.004939$ 0.005029$ 30 2012 sec.
6GateIoVLX_USDT0.004929$ 0.005090$ 6 7083 sec.
7CoinexVLX_USDT0.004875$ 0.004933$ 6 7301 sec.
8TidexVLX_USDT0.004885$ 0.004912$ 3501 sec.
9LATOKENVLX_USDT0.004392$ 0.00448300 sec.

Coin Velas today is estimated at $0.004882, and the market capitalization is $ 12 509 549. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 486 240.

Velas with ticker VLX has a circulating supply in 2 562 309 468 VLX.

Contracts VLX:

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