1.031 USD
0.965 EUR
94.210 INR
1 203.547 ARS
97 514 EUR
9 667 870 INR
114 600 000 ARS
3 473 EUR
331 159 INR
4 168 082 ARS
689.284 EUR
65 193.613 INR
819 926.747 ARS

Market Biconomy Exchange

Biconomy Exchange

The Biconomy Exchange cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 635,893,986 per day and is ranked 42 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 5.51 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 412 coins and has 419 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 635 893 986
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Biconomy Exchange

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
FREE_USDT$ 00.00000010.000000070.00000015+111.24%3 sec.
99_USDT$ 00.0001200.00015-3 sec.
BABYTRUMP_USDT$ 00.003700-3 sec.
SQUIDGROW_USDT$ 00.000000010.000000010.00000001+36.31%3 sec.
HAM_USDT$ 0000-100.0000%3 sec.
BIOFI_USDT$ 00.0006810.0006730.000718+6.69%3 sec.
KOIN_USDT$ 0380.1219+15 733.33%3 sec.
SUBAVA_USDT$ 00.000000140.000000140.00000014+2.00%3 sec.
BROKIE_USDT$ 00.00031600-3 sec.
QEQE_USDT$ 00.0000010.0000010.00000328+228.00%3 sec.
MAWA_USDT$ 00.0300.015-3 sec.
ZUSHI_USDT$ 00.00095500.0013-3 sec.
TLM_USDT$ 0000-3 sec.
OPAD_USDT$ 00.000200-3 sec.
JOT_USDT$ 00.00431600-3 sec.
BCHEC_USDT$ 0000-3 sec.
GBK_USDT$ 00.0440.0210.0429+104.29%3 sec.
DIONE_USDT$ 0000-3 sec.
CROWD_USDT$ 00.00170.00170-100.0000%3 sec.