Market Bitflyer
The Bitflyer cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 166,415,009 per day and is ranked 14 in Coinmarketcap.
The exchange rating is estimated at 6.11 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.
The exchange has 10 coins and has 12 trading pairs.
Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 166 415 009
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:
12 Exchange tickers Bitflyer
Ticker | $, Volume | Last | BUY | SELL | Spread | Update |
BTC_JPY | $ 116 994 410 | 15030335 | 15030201 | 15036316 | +0.0406% | 2 sec. |
ETH_JPY | $ 37 107 193 | 427728 | 427406 | 427759 | +0.0825% | 2 sec. |
XRP_JPY | $ 10 471 649 | 387.73 | 387.75 | 387.99 | +0.0618% | 2 sec. |
ETH_BTC | $ 691 822 | 0.02843 | 0.0284 | 0.02845 | +0.18% | 2 sec. |
BTC_EUR | $ 330 555 | 94472.22 | 94188.8 | 94498.75 | +0.33% | 2 sec. |
XLM_JPY | $ 273 829 | 52.749 | 52.747 | 52.75 | +0.0056% | 3 sec. |
ETH_EUR | $ 236 327 | 2679.85 | 2672.14 | 2688.05 | +0.60% | 2 sec. |
ELF_JPY | $ 9 721 | 1.41 | 1.41 | 1.43 | +1.42% | 2 sec. |
ETH_USD | $ 992 | 2740.35 | 2782.63 | 2798.84 | +0.58% | 2 sec. |
MONA_JPY | $ 165 | 40.6 | 40.019 | 40.6 | +1.45% | 2 sec. |
BTC_USD | $ 0 | 99114.69 | 97917.07 | 98307.5 | +0.40% | 2 sec. |
BCH_BTC | $ 0 | 0.0023 | 0.0027 | 0.00379 | +40.37% | 2 sec. |