1.017 USD
0.908 EUR
90.597 INR
1 264.707 ARS
49 456 EUR
5 219 904 INR
69 433 362 ARS
2 186 EUR
217 945 INR
2 926 417 ARS
473.260 EUR
46 319.333 INR
627 532.667 ARS

Market Coinone


The Coinone cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 13,506,346 per day and is ranked 70 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 5.61 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 271 coins and has 270 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 13 506 346
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Coinone

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
ORDER_KRW$ 5 962188.7188.7195.1+3.39%4 sec.
ONDO_KRW$ 88 764789.4788.2791.1+0.37%4 sec.
MVC_KRW$ 1985.5045.46.092+12.81%4 sec.
PEPE_KRW$ 241 7370.00920.00920.0093+1.09%4 sec.
AMO_KRW$ 00.73940.73940.8195+10.83%4 sec.
WBTC_KRW$ 4772770007192200077171000+7.30%4 sec.
ORBS_KRW$ 22129.6230.130.56+1.53%4 sec.
CLBK_KRW$ 02.72.3222.694+16.02%4 sec.
RDNT_KRW$ 1 466103.699.83149.9+50.16%4 sec.
SKLAY_KRW$ 13222.3206.1222.3+7.86%4 sec.
EDU_KRW$ 0797.7682.7785+14.98%4 sec.
AUCTION_KRW$ 0177001753018940+8.04%4 sec.
LBL_KRW$ 03.1753.0843.992+29.44%4 sec.
UMA_KRW$ 0296528532901+1.68%4 sec.
HIFI_KRW$ 4549.7541.2549.4+1.52%4 sec.
XRP_KRW$ 809 622716715.9716.5+0.0838%4 sec.
NFP_KRW$ 57103.295.61105.3+10.13%4 sec.
NTRN_KRW$ 0538.8435500+14.94%4 sec.
LBR_KRW$ 076.9276.9379+2.69%4 sec.
TNSR_KRW$ 136427.3422.4470.1+11.29%4 sec.