1.025 USD
0.965 EUR
91.917 INR
1 204.830 ARS
100 305 USD
92 247 EUR
9 372 607 INR
114 316 633 ARS
3 287 EUR
331 645 INR
4 140 309 ARS
705.138 EUR
66 912.870 INR
861 044.037 ARS

Market Hitbtc


The Hitbtc cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 77,611,346 per day and is ranked 163 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 4.70 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 672 coins and has 1345 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 77 611 346
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:
1 345

Exchange tickers Hitbtc

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
TT_USDT$ 00.00250.00250.01399988+460.00%2 sec.
SKL_BTC$ 00.0000008100.00000053+12 931.71%2 sec.
OAX_BTC$ 00.000000370.000000350.00000059+67.81%2 sec.
MOVR_BTC$ 00.00015460.00007630.0001554+103.67%2 sec.
EURS_DAI$ 01.159990.950021.15999+22.10%2 sec.
BRD_USDT$ 00.0123330.0070060.012333+76.03%2 sec.
HOT_BTC$ 00.000000020.000000020.00000004+95.82%2 sec.
CITY_BTC$ 00.000050.000000040.00009991+249 675.00%2 sec.
KEYS_USDT$ 00.0010030.0010010.0049+389.51%2 sec.
HFT_BTC$ 00.00000150.000000380.00003979+10 371.05%2 sec.
JAM_ETH$ 00.0000000400.0000029+724 850.00%2 sec.
ETHW_USDC$ 00.0070.00775.3296+69 115.58%2 sec.
HOT_USDC$ 00.00149880.0000011999999999.99999988+90 909 090 909 091 008.00%2 sec.
OMG_ETH$ 00.00010090.00009690.0001043+7.64%2 sec.
XCN_USDT$ 00.0020.0012180.002999+146.22%2 sec.
IQN_USDT$ 00.0020.0020.07999+3 899.50%2 sec.
XRP_EOS$ 02.82.6631012.815837+5.74%2 sec.
BCUG_USDT$ 00.042590.03510.04399+25.33%2 sec.
ARK_USDT$ 00.463370.470551.89998+303.78%2 sec.
STAK_BTC$ 0000+115.38%2 sec.
KLV_USDT$ 00.00600620.00542760.0072368+33.33%2 sec.
AXS_USDC$ 04.6640.04999999.998+2 499 999 895.00%2 sec.
OMNI_USDT$ 08.98.2888.329+0.49%2 sec.
XRD_USDT$ 00.0400150.0117840.073509+523.80%2 sec.
LAZIO_USDT$ 00.99290.877347.9995+5 371.28%2 sec.
SBTC_BTC$ 00.000002310.000002490.00000385+54.62%2 sec.
BRD_ETH$ 00.000000270.000000270.00000796+2 848.15%2 sec.
CHZ_USDT$ 00.09475210.08549820.0856386+0.16%2 sec.
SWRV_USDT$ 00.003550.002510.02997+1 094.02%2 sec.
ARDR_USDT$ 00.07000010.07866530.1009984+28.39%2 sec.
KAVA_USDT$ 00.464480.432840.899+107.70%2 sec.
HELLO_USDT$ 00.020520.02050.14999+631.66%2 sec.
PAXG_BTC$ 00.027050.026830.02789+3.95%2 sec.
REI_BTC$ 00.00000350.00000350.0000035+0.0571%2 sec.
EGLD_USDC$ 031.08720.5320-100.0000%2 sec.
HMQ_ETH$ 00.000000110.000000110.000001+843.40%2 sec.
FTT_ETH$ 00.0005160.0005170.000912+76.40%2 sec.
IDRT_BTC$ 0000+310.87%2 sec.
GLM_USDC$ 00.30.0298.45+492 150.00%2 sec.
CUTE_ETH$ 00.000001580.000001560.00000899+476.28%2 sec.
SWRV_BTC$ 00.000000080.000000080.0000001+25.00%2 sec.
STMX_BTC$ 00.000000040.000000040.00000007+50.30%2 sec.
BNX_USDT$ 00.19320.20980.7263+246.19%2 sec.
FTM_BTC$ 00.00001010.000009230.00000965+4.59%2 sec.
QKC_BTC$ 00.000000110.00000010.00000013+29.90%2 sec.
AUTO_BTC$ 00.0000760.0000820.000317+286.59%2 sec.
QNT_BTC$ 00.00123330.00117120.0011758+0.39%2 sec.
STPT_BTC$ 00.000000320.000000060.0000011+1 786.79%2 sec.
MBL_BTC$ 00.0000000200.00000007+3 113.04%2 sec.
RARI_BTC$ 00.000020.000003030.000033+989.11%2 sec.