1.033 USD
0.965 EUR
93.680 INR
1 203.167 ARS
96 931 EUR
9 600 735 INR
114 615 064 ARS
3 452 EUR
328 592 INR
4 132 026 ARS
683.777 EUR
65 080.813 INR
809 941.040 ARS

Market Korbit


The Korbit cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 34,162,516 per day and is ranked 36 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 4.90 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 171 coins and has 170 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 34 162 516
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Korbit

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
MPL_KRW$ 55297502641029670+12.34%3 sec.
GLMR_KRW$ 51423.7366.9422.5+15.15%3 sec.
W_KRW$ 46406.6397.5405+1.89%3 sec.
AUDIO_KRW$ 41238.6234.7262.1+11.67%3 sec.
PERP_KRW$ 23153511391531+34.42%3 sec.
STG_KRW$ 16451436.3456+4.52%3 sec.
DAI_KRW$ 10135313531504+11.16%3 sec.
BNT_KRW$ 9105210101018+0.79%3 sec.
RPL_KRW$ 8168801688019500+15.52%3 sec.
HPO_KRW$ 881.8477.1492.26+19.60%3 sec.
RARE_KRW$ 7157.4159.2189.5+19.03%3 sec.
DYDX_KRW$ 7238421322150+0.84%3 sec.
RUNE_KRW$ 4805574557535+1.07%3 sec.
OMNI_KRW$ 3151401452015140+4.27%3 sec.
BFC_KRW$ 065.1566.8468.59+2.62%3 sec.
YGG_KRW$ 0764.5679.5710+4.49%3 sec.
INDEX_KRW$ 0531053205620+5.64%3 sec.
FDUSD_KRW$ 0140014001457+4.07%3 sec.
CVX_KRW$ 0584560006355+5.92%3 sec.
PAXG_KRW$ 0383500039510009883000+150.14%3 sec.