1.033 USD
0.965 EUR
94.243 INR
1 203.313 ARS
97 689 EUR
9 678 392 INR
114 600 000 ARS
3 492 EUR
332 180 INR
4 138 871 ARS
692.774 EUR
65 390.280 INR
816 823.897 ARS


$ 0.0952 USD
0.00000098 BTC
ALU cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoALU_ETH0.00003$ 0.096808 sec.
2GateIoALU_USDT0.0964$ 0.1000$ 3 392 8418 sec.
3LATOKENALU_USDT0.0884$ 0.102701 sec.
4BitmartALU_USDT0.0963$ 0.0998$ 171 6082 sec.
5XT.COMALU_USDT0.0964$ 0.1000$ 2 043 0491 sec.
6MexcALU_USDT0.096$ 0.0994$ 2 539 4213 sec.
7BitgetALU_USDT0.096$ 0.0995$ 4 455 3192 sec.
8BingXALU_USDT0.0964$ 0.0998$ 2 364 0721 sec.
9CoinexALU_USDT0.0959$ 0.0996$ 11 2863 sec.

Cryptocurrency Altura today is estimated at $0.0952, and the market capitalization is $ 94 254 976. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 14 924 856.

Altura with ticker ALU has a circulating supply in 719 755 021 ALU with maximum circulating supply in 990 000 000 ALU.

Contracts ALU:

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