1.019 USD
0.965 EUR
94.243 INR
1 203.313 ARS
97 944 EUR
9 678 392 INR
114 600 000 ARS
3 490 EUR
332 097 INR
4 149 757 ARS
692.496 EUR
65 390.280 INR
816 537.730 ARS


$ 0.0746 USD
0.00000077 BTC
BDX cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1KucoinBDX_BTC0.000000802$ 0.0794$ 525 6641 sec.
2HitbtcBDX_BTC0.000000775$ 0.027602 sec.
3HitbtcBDX_ETH0.00002$ 0.055402 sec.
4GateIoBDX_USDT0.0778$ 0.0807$ 710 8212 sec.
5KucoinBDX_USDT0.078$ 0.0808$ 735 3941 sec.
6MexcBDX_USDT0.0779$ 0.0807$ 972 4594 sec.
7HitbtcBDX_USDT0.0428$ 0.027002 sec.
8MexcBDX_BTC0.0000008017$ 0.0794$ 937 1864 sec.
9GateIoBDX_BTC0.0000007982$ 0.0789$ 660 1282 sec.

Coin Beldex today is estimated at $0.0746, and the market capitalization is $ 740 552 717. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 4 543 689.

Beldex with ticker BDX has a circulating supply in 6 197 350 033 BDX with maximum circulating supply in 9 900 000 000 BDX.

Contracts BDX:

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