1.021 USD
0.908 EUR
90.613 INR
1 264.707 ARS
50 189 EUR
5 220 028 INR
69 433 363 ARS
2 187 EUR
218 979 INR
2 926 754 ARS
472.794 EUR
46 403.563 INR
627 532.653 ARS

Best Fintech Investment CoinBFIC

$ 2.18 USD
0.00004018 BTC
BFIC cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply
Calculator Best Fintech Investment Coin:
Enter the amount
1 BFIC = 2.18 USD


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1LBankBFIC_USDT2.12$ 2.20$ 1 229 3223 sec.
2BitmartBFIC_USDT2.1$ 2.14$ 7 3871 sec.
3DigiFinexBFIC_USDT2.22$ 2.25$ 03 sec.
4HitbtcBFIC_USDT3.97$ 1.5504 sec.
5LATOKENBFIC_USDT2.25$ 2.3002 sec.
6MexcBFIC_USDT2.11$ 2.17$ 35 2333 sec.
7CoinsbitBFIC_USDT7.76$ 6.1402 sec.
8PoloniexBFIC_USDT2.34$ 2.53$ 853 sec.
9Biconomy ExchangeBFIC_USDT2.17$ 2.10$ 1984 sec.

Cryptocurrency Best Fintech Investment Coin today is estimated at $2.18, and the market capitalization is $ 45 857 233. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 1 272 225.

Best Fintech Investment Coin with ticker BFIC has a circulating supply in 10 578 424 BFIC with maximum circulating supply in 21 000 000 BFIC.

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