1.027 USD
0.922 EUR
88.437 INR
1 241.373 ARS
77 625 EUR
7 850 353 INR
103 459 000 ARS
1 831 EUR
191 223 INR
2 424 496 ARS
541.887 EUR
52 660.333 INR
716 350.030 ARS

Best Fintech Investment CoinBFIC

$ 0.2794 USD
0.00000335 BTC
BFIC cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply
Calculator Best Fintech Investment Coin:
Enter the amount
1 BFIC = 0.27 USD


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1LBankBFIC_USDT1.68$ 1.7103 sec.
2BitmartBFIC_USDT0.218$ 0.2111$ 123 8404 sec.
3DigiFinexBFIC_USDT0.2631$ 0.2940$ 2203 sec.
4HitbtcBFIC_USDT3.64$ 0.511801 sec.
5LATOKENBFIC_USDT0.3267$ 0.325603 sec.
6MexcBFIC_USDT0.2273$ 0.2310$ 52 0701 sec.
7PoloniexBFIC_USDT0.2333$ 0.2442$ 14 sec.
8Biconomy ExchangeBFIC_USDT0.2962$ 0.3042$ 10 2434 sec.

Cryptocurrency Best Fintech Investment Coin today is estimated at $0.2794, and the market capitalization is $ 5 868 217. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 186 375.

Best Fintech Investment Coin with ticker BFIC has a circulating supply in 10 578 424 BFIC with maximum circulating supply in 21 000 000 BFIC.

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