1.007 USD
0.901 EUR
90.193 INR
1 226.987 ARS
66 604 USD
56 846 EUR
5 695 667 INR
78 169 258 ARS
2 694 USD
2 228 EUR
227 767 INR
3 032 308 ARS
626.857 USD
520.601 EUR
51 435.683 INR
704 333.330 ARS

Izumi FinanceIZI

$ 0.009376 USD
0.00000015 BTC
IZI cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoIZI_ETH0.00000384$ 0.009540$ 873 sec.
2BingXIZI_USDT0.00936$ 0.009472$ 26 0123 sec.
3MexcIZI_USDT0.009424$ 0.009498$ 8 8212 sec.
4GateIoIZI_USDT0.009374$ 0.009483$ 9693 sec.
5KucoinIZI_USDT0.00939$ 0.009532$ 8341 sec.
6CoinexIZI_USDT0.009333$ 0.009447$ 8 2442 sec.

Cryptocurrency Izumi Finance today is estimated at $0.009376, and the market capitalization is $ 18 751 296. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 44 854.

Izumi Finance with ticker IZI has a circulating supply in 787 400 000 IZI with maximum circulating supply in 2 000 000 000 IZI.

Contracts IZI:

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