1.005 USD
0.901 EUR
89.730 INR
1 231.373 ARS
66 777 USD
57 059 EUR
5 711 667 INR
78 119 153 ARS
2 723 USD
2 246 EUR
228 500 INR
3 041 863 ARS
629.927 USD
523.172 EUR
51 925.000 INR
703 356.280 ARS


$ 0.000775 USD
0.00000001 BTC
NEST cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoNEST_ETH0.000000314$ 0.00083305 sec.
2HTX (Huobi)NEST_USDT0.000751$ 0.000760$ 49 7302 sec.
3CoinWNEST_USDT0.004089$ 0.006068052 sec.
4BiboxNEST_USDT0.000735$ 0.000742$ 43 1024 sec.
5MexcNEST_USDT0.00076$ 0.000770$ 4 1273 sec.
6GateIoNEST_USDT0.000744$ 0.000738$ 745 sec.
7LATOKENNEST_USDT0.000751$ 0.000760$ 03 sec.
8CoinoneNEST_KRW1.03$ 0.000818$ 383 sec.

Cryptocurrency NEST Protocol today is estimated at $0.000775, and the market capitalization is $ 7 737 406. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 96 722.

NEST Protocol with ticker NEST has a circulating supply in 2 911 743 948 NEST with maximum circulating supply in 10 000 000 000 NEST.

Contracts NEST:

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