1.030 USD
0.965 EUR
92.583 INR
1 203.467 ARS
94 599 EUR
9 466 398 INR
113 921 333 ARS
3 282 EUR
326 195 INR
4 116 759 ARS
661.430 EUR
64 404.483 INR
825 300.000 ARS


$ 0.0842 USD
0.00000088 BTC
NWC cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoNWC_BTC0.00000053$ 0.0370$ 155 sec.
2KucoinNWC_BTC0.000000833$ 0.0822$ 2 1992 sec.
3HitbtcNWC_BTC0.00000102$ 0.110601 sec.
4MexcNWC_BTC0.00000082$ 0.0797$ 2 0453 sec.
5KucoinNWC_USDT0.0796$ 0.0827$ 25 9532 sec.
6GateIoNWC_USDT0.08$ 0.0826$ 5 3225 sec.
7MexcNWC_USDT0.0786$ 0.0813$ 6 4063 sec.
8HitbtcNWC_USDT0.0768$ 0.080701 sec.

Cryptocurrency Newscrypto today is estimated at $0.0842, and the market capitalization is $ 22 746 919. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 41 941.

Newscrypto with ticker NWC has a circulating supply in 150 400 834 NWC with maximum circulating supply in 280 000 000 NWC.

Contracts NWC:

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