1.017 USD
0.908 EUR
90.597 INR
1 264.707 ARS
50 192 EUR
5 221 288 INR
69 433 363 ARS
2 188 EUR
217 937 INR
2 925 476 ARS
473.045 EUR
46 376.667 INR
627 532.667 ARS


$ 5.19 USD
0.00009556 BTC
ORAI cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoORAI_ETH0.002277$ 5.24$ 52 sec.
2KucoinORAI_USDT5.22$ 5.34$ 134 0112 sec.
3BitgetORAI_USDT5.19$ 5.32$ 45 6551 sec.
4GateIoORAI_USDT5.21$ 5.33$ 43 9782 sec.
5XT.COMORAI_USDT5.21$ 5.33$ 34 9892 sec.
6CoinexORAI_USDT5.19$ 5.31$ 5 1064 sec.

Coin Oraichain today is estimated at $5.19, and the market capitalization is $ 87 151 476. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 268 124.

Oraichain with ticker ORAI has a circulating supply in 12 706 080 ORAI with maximum circulating supply in 19 779 272 ORAI.

Contracts ORAI:

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