1.027 USD
0.964 EUR
93.133 INR
1 201.673 ARS
94 086 EUR
9 587 712 INR
114 399 997 ARS
3 310 EUR
330 274 INR
4 196 750 ARS
668.404 EUR
64 949.000 INR
853 712.620 ARS

Market Binance


The Binance cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 27,828,823,723 per day and is ranked 1 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 9.90 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 403 coins and has 1327 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 27 828 823 723
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:
1 327

Exchange tickers Binance

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
TLM_BTC$ 15 0880.000000140.000000140.00000015+7.14%5 sec.
CATI_BNB$ 14 9230.0005420.000540.000541+0.19%5 sec.
SC_ETH$ 14 8300.000001610.000001610.00000162+0.62%5 sec.
SAGA_BNB$ 14 3520.0022530.0022520.002258+0.27%5 sec.
LRC_ETH$ 14 2480.000060180.000059820.00006+0.30%5 sec.
RLC_ETH$ 13 7290.000580.00057860.0005797+0.19%5 sec.
ELF_BTC$ 13 6670.000004540.000004540.00000455+0.22%5 sec.
CYBER_ETH$ 13 4180.0010480.0010410.001044+0.29%5 sec.
QTUM_ETH$ 13 3410.0009040.0009050.00091+0.55%5 sec.
DOGS_BNB$ 12 0000.000000810.000000810.00000082+1.23%5 sec.
ACT_BRL$ 11 7901.9331.9011.923+1.16%5 sec.
QI_BTC$ 10 8800.000000170.000000170.00000018+5.88%5 sec.
LISTA_BRL$ 10 7442.672.6872.714+1.00%5 sec.
POWR_ETH$ 10 0800.00006850.00006840.0000687+0.44%5 sec.
VIC_BTC$ 9 3000.000003860.000003850.00000388+0.78%5 sec.
DOGS_BRL$ 8 1100.003330.0033050.00333+0.76%5 sec.
BOME_EUR$ 7 5560.0060160.0060090.006049+0.67%5 sec.
TLM_FDUSD$ 6 5470.013890.013980.01425+1.93%5 sec.
CYBER_BNB$ 6 3700.0053190.0052960.005313+0.32%5 sec.
CATI_BRL$ 6 0862.2262.22.218+0.82%5 sec.
HIVE_USDC$ 5 6890.24090.23890.24+0.46%5 sec.
BANANA_BNB$ 4 0140.060520.06050.06068+0.30%5 sec.
ETH_UAH$ 3 264155125154843155829+0.64%5 sec.
BNB_UAH$ 2 837305693043030565+0.44%5 sec.
SNT_ETH$ 2 7810.000012190.00001220.00001224+0.33%5 sec.
NOT_BRL$ 2 2630.039830.039120.03957+1.15%5 sec.
HIVE_FDUSD$ 2760.25210.23790.2438+2.48%5 sec.