1.008 USD
0.922 EUR
84.427 INR
1 340.333 ARS
74 643 USD
64 005 EUR
6 309 993 INR
92 413 333 ARS
3 639 USD
3 118 EUR
309 300 INR
4 713 333 ARS
679.340 USD
561.150 EUR
55 186.563 INR
833 006.567 ARS

Market Korbit


The Korbit cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 15,737,277 per day and is ranked 36 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 4.90 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 167 coins and has 166 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 15 737 277
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Korbit

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
USDT_KRW$ 9 434 288139513951396+0.0716%3 sec.
BTC_KRW$ 3 277 453966670009666700096668000+0.0010%3 sec.
XRP_KRW$ 970 127848.4848848.4+0.0471%3 sec.
ETH_KRW$ 598 584463600046360004637000+0.0215%3 sec.
SOL_KRW$ 566 147262000261900262000+0.0381%3 sec.
PEPE_KRW$ 126 5680.01730.01720.0173+0.58%3 sec.
DOGE_KRW$ 114 141190.8190.5190.9+0.21%3 sec.
SHIB_KRW$ 97 9240.02430.02430.0244+0.41%3 sec.
BCH_KRW$ 80 485542500543000544500+0.28%3 sec.
WLD_KRW$ 76 460344634043439+1.03%3 sec.
ONDO_KRW$ 46 187140814121419+0.50%3 sec.
BONK_KRW$ 39 2790.04220.04190.0421+0.48%3 sec.
FIL_KRW$ 37 478647564806500+0.31%3 sec.
WEMIX_KRW$ 36 741142814281430+0.14%3 sec.
ETC_KRW$ 36 006323703240032430+0.0925%3 sec.
XEC_KRW$ 34 1210.05470.05460.0548+0.37%3 sec.
TRX_KRW$ 28 364191.8191.7192.2+0.26%3 sec.
XPLA_KRW$ 21 783169.1160.7169.1+5.23%3 sec.
PCI_KRW$ 19 337187.6188189+0.53%3 sec.
JTO_KRW$ 13 272442543834476+2.12%3 sec.
T_KRW$ 12 37136.9233.0836.92+11.61%3 sec.
PYTH_KRW$ 9 081562.1544.8563.6+3.45%3 sec.
KLAY_KRW$ 9 059203.6202.9204.5+0.79%3 sec.
STX_KRW$ 8 694267526332696+2.39%3 sec.
TON_KRW$ 8 567941094109415+0.0531%3 sec.
UMA_KRW$ 8 357361332663616+10.72%3 sec.
WAXP_KRW$ 7 38557.1754.0157.67+6.78%3 sec.
APT_KRW$ 7 240100301005010160+1.09%3 sec.
CFG_KRW$ 6 799680681.5689.9+1.23%3 sec.
ADA_KRW$ 6 751594593.4595.7+0.39%3 sec.
NEAR_KRW$ 6 241812082458305+0.73%3 sec.
VET_KRW$ 6 12539.5539.2840.25+2.47%3 sec.
LINK_KRW$ 5 817192201925019340+0.47%3 sec.
YFI_KRW$ 5 658815100078970008151000+3.22%3 sec.
AVAX_KRW$ 4 975407604021041070+2.14%3 sec.
ETHFI_KRW$ 4 445313530513127+2.49%3 sec.
SUI_KRW$ 4 224109811091113+0.36%3 sec.
CTC_KRW$ 3 150716707.6720+1.75%3 sec.
MKR_KRW$ 2 281371700036730003764000+2.48%3 sec.
MATIC_KRW$ 2 092727.4711.7732.3+2.89%3 sec.
MANA_KRW$ 2 068479.6488.2503+3.03%3 sec.
ARB_KRW$ 2 015103310181037+1.87%3 sec.
GMT_KRW$ 2 004217.7214.2216.8+1.21%3 sec.
UNI_KRW$ 1 911109201058010920+3.21%3 sec.
EOS_KRW$ 1 883817.3810.1817.3+0.89%3 sec.
DOT_KRW$ 1 735827081758270+1.16%3 sec.
GTC_KRW$ 1 628135413511443+6.81%3 sec.
SAND_KRW$ 1 545466.3466.3480.3+3.00%3 sec.
HBAR_KRW$ 1 53997.3895.6398.31+2.80%3 sec.
ALT_KRW$ 1 505193.4193.7204+5.32%3 sec.