1.036 USD
0.965 EUR
92.963 INR
1 203.030 ARS
96 301 EUR
9 531 385 INR
114 200 000 ARS
3 417 EUR
326 678 INR
4 125 058 ARS
675.345 EUR
64 618.773 INR
816 273.677 ARS


$ 0.9227 USD
0.00000961 BTC
AIOZ cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoAIOZ_ETH0.000287$ 0.9505$ 1 8266 sec.
2KucoinAIOZ_USDT0.9178$ 0.9518$ 1 384 7583 sec.
3CoinbaseAIOZ_USD0.9169$ 0.9157$ 3 539 82810 sec.
4HTX (Huobi)AIOZ_USDT0.9188$ 0.9509$ 34 2111 sec.
5GateIoAIOZ_USDT0.9182$ 0.9510$ 5 761 4496 sec.
6XT.COMAIOZ_USDT0.9176$ 0.9503$ 755 3894 sec.
7Crypto.comAIOZ_USDT0.9253$ 0.9596$ 14 3673 sec.
8CoinexAIOZ_USDT0.922$ 0.9567$ 32 0101 sec.
9Crypto.comAIOZ_USD0.9217$ 0.9189$ 182 7923 sec.
10LATOKENAIOZ_USDT0.918$ 0.9515$ 137 5454 sec.
11BybitAIOZ_USDT0.9181$ 0.9514$ 2 507 5823 sec.

Coin AIOZ Network today is estimated at $0.9227, and the market capitalization is $ 992 816 152. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 10 821 122.

AIOZ Network with ticker AIOZ has a circulating supply in 1 075 980 357 AIOZ with maximum circulating supply in 1 000 000 000 AIOZ.

Contracts AIOZ:

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