1.021 USD
0.927 EUR
87.753 INR
1 247.927 ARS
77 203 EUR
7 820 188 INR
102 572 478 ARS
1 905 EUR
186 483 INR
2 389 921 ARS
561.688 EUR
54 535.997 INR
741 920.283 ARS


$ 4.00 USD
0.00004867 BTC
FTN cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1BitmartFTN_USDT3.99$ 4.04$ 162 sec.
2XT.COMFTN_USDT3.99$ 4.06$ 3015 sec.
3MexcFTN_USDT3.99$ 4.06$ 53 9712 sec.
4BitgetFTN_USDT3.99$ 4.06$ 16 6144 sec.
5BitrueFTN_USDT4.03$ 4.0604 sec.
6BingXFTN_USDT3.96$ 4.04$ 7463 sec.
7GateIoFTN_USDT4$ 4.07$ 75 9112 sec.
8PoloniexFTN_USDT4.03$ 4.0603 sec.
9WhitebitFTN_USDT4$ 4.07$ 2041 sec.
10Biconomy ExchangeFTN_USDT3.99$ 4.06$ 512 1981 sec.

Cryptocurrency Fasttoken today is estimated at $4.00, and the market capitalization is $ 3 517 125 920. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 659 853.

Fasttoken with ticker FTN has a circulating supply in 304 850 250 FTN with maximum circulating supply in 1 000 000 000 FTN.

Contracts FTN:

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