1.017 USD
0.899 EUR
90.650 INR
1 251.947 ARS
52 315 EUR
5 392 534 INR
73 075 000 ARS
2 090 EUR
218 252 INR
2 905 301 ARS
493.233 EUR
49 904.730 INR
701 406.707 ARS

The Root NetworkROOT

$ 0.0222 USD
0.00000038 BTC
ROOT cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1KucoinROOT_USDT0.0221$ 0.0225$ 155 0672 sec.
2GateIoROOT_USDT0.0222$ 0.0226$ 111 3461 sec.
3BingXROOT_USDT0.0221$ 0.0226$ 57 4991 sec.
4BitgetROOT_USDT0.0222$ 0.0226$ 660 5871 sec.
5MexcROOT_USDT0.0222$ 0.0225$ 257 8161 sec.
6CoinexROOT_USDT0.0222$ 0.0225$ 2 3781 sec.

Cryptocurrency The Root Network today is estimated at $0.0222, and the market capitalization is $ 266 866 667. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 1 245 463.

The Root Network with ticker ROOT has a circulating supply in 1 038 925 778 ROOT with maximum circulating supply in 12 000 000 000 ROOT.

Contracts ROOT:

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