1.015 USD
0.902 EUR
90.617 INR
1 252.053 ARS
52 263 EUR
5 402 165 INR
72 907 667 ARS
2 084 EUR
218 875 INR
2 916 641 ARS
495.887 EUR
50 542.930 INR
706 095.423 ARS


$ 0.0752 USD
0.0000013 BTC
VAI cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoVAI_USDT0.0754$ 0.0772$ 28 5015 sec.
2XT.COMVAI_USDT0.0759$ 0.0772$ 34 6563 sec.
3KucoinVAI_USDT0.075$ 0.0764$ 161 5282 sec.
4BitgetVAI_USDT0.0751$ 0.0765$ 124 4821 sec.
5CoinexVAI_USDT0.075$ 0.0767$ 9 5572 sec.
6MexcVAI_USDT0.075$ 0.0763$ 274 0001 sec.
7BingXVAI_USDT0.0753$ 0.0766$ 28 3454 sec.

Cryptocurrency VAIOT today is estimated at $0.0752, and the market capitalization is $ 30 086 838. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 659 564.

VAIOT with ticker VAI has a circulating supply in 311 928 612 VAI with maximum circulating supply in 400 000 000 VAI.

Contracts VAI:

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