1.017 USD
0.907 EUR
90.870 INR
1 263.577 ARS
50 154 EUR
5 245 002 INR
69 433 320 ARS
2 188 EUR
217 899 INR
2 942 426 ARS
473.255 EUR
46 085.333 INR
627 862.667 ARS


$ 0.0205 USD
0.00000038 BTC
XRD cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1BitfinexXRD_BTC0.0000003733$ 0.0203$ 26 0693 sec.
2GateIoXRD_ETH0.000009$ 0.0208$ 7 6456 sec.
3BingXXRD_USDT0.0206$ 0.0210$ 28 7292 sec.
4BitfinexXRD_USD0.0206$ 0.0206$ 68 6233 sec.
5MexcXRD_USDT0.0206$ 0.0210$ 632 6114 sec.
6GateIoXRD_USDT0.0205$ 0.0210$ 180 3596 sec.
7KucoinXRD_USDT0.0206$ 0.0210$ 148 3341 sec.
8DigiFinexXRD_USDT0.0201$ 0.0204$ 28 8212 sec.
9BitmartXRD_USDT0.0205$ 0.0210$ 403 sec.
10HitbtcXRD_USDT0.0202$ 0.022402 sec.
11CoinexXRD_USDT0.0206$ 0.0211$ 3 1702 sec.
12LATOKENXRD_USDT0.0206$ 0.0210$ 12 4302 sec.
13HitbtcXRD_BTC0.0000003683$ 0.021902 sec.
14BitgetXRD_USDT0.0205$ 0.0210$ 174 3874 sec.

Coin Radix today is estimated at $0.0205, and the market capitalization is $ 262 665 376. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 1 313 461.

Radix with ticker XRD has a circulating supply in 10 384 369 486 XRD with maximum circulating supply in 24 000 000 000 XRD.

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