1.016 USD
0.901 EUR
90.617 INR
1 251.993 ARS
52 298 EUR
5 390 524 INR
72 975 667 ARS
2 089 EUR
218 138 INR
2 902 942 ARS
493.795 EUR
49 915.683 INR
701 546.143 ARS

Market Coinbase

The Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 1,361,611,112 per day and is ranked 2 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 8.20 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 258 coins and has 408 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 1 361 611 112
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Coinbase

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
CGLD_GBP$ 1 1350.3280.330.331+0.30%9 sec.
LRC_BTC$ 1 1010.000001980.000001960.00000197+0.51%10 sec.
ANKR_BTC$ 1 0200.000000430.000000420.00000043+2.38%3 sec.
FLOW_USDT$ 1 0170.5260.5230.525+0.38%6 sec.
MANA_ETH$ 1870.00011550.00011460.0001148+0.17%4 sec.
CGLD_BTC$ 890.000007550.00000750.00000753+0.40%4 sec.
BAL_BTC$ 150.0000310.000030260.00003034+0.26%11 sec.
MANA_BTC$ 60.00000450.00000450.0000046+2.22%8 sec.