1.026 USD
0.922 EUR
88.437 INR
1 241.423 ARS
77 460 EUR
7 846 020 INR
103 529 000 ARS
1 834 EUR
191 489 INR
2 419 823 ARS
542.865 EUR
52 660.333 INR
717 706.057 ARS


$ 0.1025 USD
0.00000123 BTC
AURORA cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1GateIoAURORA_USDT0.1025$ 0.1043$ 377 4988 sec.
2BingXAURORA_USDT0.1024$ 0.1041$ 32 4720 sec.
3KucoinAURORA_USDT0.1023$ 0.1039$ 44 5623 sec.
4BitgetAURORA_USDT0.1023$ 0.1039$ 69 7353 sec.
5CoinbaseAURORA_USD0.1024$ 0.1025$ 369 52710 sec.
6MexcAURORA_USDT0.1024$ 0.1041$ 92 3882 sec.
7LATOKENAURORA_USDT0.1527$ 0.109902 sec.
8HTX (Huobi)AURORA_USDT0.102$ 0.1034$ 11 6083 sec.
9DigiFinexAURORA_USDT0.1021$ 0.1039$ 7 9322 sec.
10CoinexAURORA_USDT0.1028$ 0.1050$ 11 0902 sec.
11Crypto.comAURORA_USD0.1022$ 0.1022$ 21 3482 sec.

Cryptocurrency Aurora today is estimated at $0.1025, and the market capitalization is $ 102 465 333. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 1 043 903.

Aurora with ticker AURORA has a circulating supply in 427 087 671 AURORA with maximum circulating supply in 1 000 000 000 AURORA.

Contracts AURORA:

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