1.015 USD
0.902 EUR
90.683 INR
1 252.020 ARS
52 222 EUR
5 400 285 INR
72 931 667 ARS
2 081 EUR
218 592 INR
2 891 707 ARS
495.848 EUR
50 551.970 INR
706 248.587 ARS


$ 0.001373 USD
0.00000002 BTC
XCN cost graph in USDT
Capitalization (USD)
24H trading volume (USD)
Circulating supply
Max. supply


# Market Ticker Price Price, USD Volume
1KucoinXCN_BTC0.0000000218$ 0.001268$ 6762 sec.
2GateIoXCN_ETH0.0000005553$ 0.001278$ 993 sec.
3GateIoXCN_USDT0.001269$ 0.001292$ 42 2373 sec.
4KucoinXCN_USDT0.00127$ 0.001293$ 72 5612 sec.
5HTX (Huobi)XCN_USDT0.001264$ 0.001286$ 1 366 0564 sec.
6BtcTurk | ProXCN_TRY0.0432$ 0.001286$ 335 2242 sec.
7BithumbXCN_KRW1.71$ 0.001298$ 59 1153 sec.
8CoinbaseXCN_USD0.001273$ 0.001270$ 134 1999 sec.
9BingXXCN_USDT0.00127$ 0.001293$ 28 3004 sec.
10BtcTurk | ProXCN_USDT0.001263$ 0.001282$ 27 3592 sec.
11BitgetXCN_USDT0.001269$ 0.001292$ 45 9623 sec.
12MexcXCN_USDT0.001268$ 0.001293$ 3 8044 sec.
13BiboxXCN_USDT0.001279$ 0.001302$ 39 9906 sec.
14LATOKENXCN_USDT0.001268$ 0.001291$ 13 2400 sec.
15KrakenXCN_USD0.001257$ 0.001250$ 5 9991 sec.
16CoinexXCN_USDT0.001268$ 0.001287$ 2 3893 sec.
17KrakenXCN_EUR0.001137$ 0.001247$ 1771 sec.
18BitrueXCN_USDT0.001417$ 0.001311$ 654 sec.
19HitbtcXCN_USDT0.00252$ 0.00173202 sec.
20PoloniexXCN_USDT0.000875$ 0.00081501 sec.

Cryptocurrency Onyxcoin today is estimated at $0.001373, and the market capitalization is $ 66 441 049. Over the past 24 hours, asset trading amounted to $ 2 119 975.

Onyxcoin with ticker XCN has a circulating supply in 27 126 068 814 XCN with maximum circulating supply in 48 402 437 326 XCN.

Contracts XCN:

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