1.008 USD
0.956 EUR
90.717 INR
1 110.100 ARS
104 232 EUR
9 517 158 INR
112 030 760 ARS
3 981 EUR
381 024 INR
4 449 990 ARS
732.956 EUR
67 126.333 INR
824 252.097 ARS

Market Bithumb


The Bithumb cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 1,965,637,666 per day and is ranked 16 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 6.11 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 329 coins and has 336 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 1 965 637 666
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Bithumb

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
XRP_KRW$ 359 436 662355735583559+0.0281%3 sec.
USDT_KRW$ 269 337 215142514241425+0.0702%3 sec.
EL_KRW$ 196 297 06921.7521.7621.8+0.18%3 sec.
BTC_KRW$ 90 318 600145203000145201000145208000+0.0048%3 sec.
DOGE_KRW$ 61 883 900585584585+0.17%3 sec.
ONDO_KRW$ 51 089 526271527152717+0.0736%3 sec.
SCR_KRW$ 48 294 747174017401741+0.0574%3 sec.
WLD_KRW$ 41 435 419440044004402+0.0454%3 sec.
WIKEN_KRW$ 35 417 26414.1414.1314.15+0.14%3 sec.
LINK_KRW$ 33 690 983419804196041980+0.0476%3 sec.
ETH_KRW$ 32 944 014559600055950005596000+0.0178%3 sec.
HBAR_KRW$ 31 364 158435435436+0.23%3 sec.
MOVE_KRW$ 30 466 155934934935+0.11%3 sec.
ME_KRW$ 27 055 574616561606170+0.16%3 sec.
ENS_KRW$ 26 814 555607006055060700+0.25%3 sec.
MVC_KRW$ 24 639 4759.1039.1049.142+0.42%3 sec.
PEPE_KRW$ 19 212 9580.03450.03450.0346+0.29%3 sec.
RON_KRW$ 18 515 976319431923194+0.0626%3 sec.
XLM_KRW$ 18 406 249633632633+0.16%3 sec.
MORPHO_KRW$ 16 403 123426342624267+0.12%3 sec.
SOL_KRW$ 15 982 961323300323300323500+0.0618%3 sec.
LM_KRW$ 15 799 56910.3810.3410.38+0.39%3 sec.
VIRTUAL_KRW$ 15 657 276347634733481+0.23%3 sec.
AAVE_KRW$ 14 564 487540000540000541000+0.19%3 sec.
CTXC_KRW$ 14 356 978126512661271+0.39%3 sec.
SUI_KRW$ 14 278 498673567306735+0.0742%3 sec.
SHIB_KRW$ 13 420 4310.0410.04090.041+0.24%3 sec.
KAIA_KRW$ 10 681 450400400401+0.25%3 sec.
VIX_KRW$ 10 522 6867.8037.7477.803+0.72%3 sec.
ADA_KRW$ 10 366 965160016001601+0.0625%3 sec.
BTG_KRW$ 10 072 635326803267032680+0.0306%3 sec.
ETC_KRW$ 9 918 206482604825048260+0.0207%3 sec.
SAND_KRW$ 9 703 072110111011102+0.0908%3 sec.
AGI_KRW$ 9 174 215301301302+0.33%3 sec.
F_KRW$ 9 148 240111110111+0.91%3 sec.
MASK_KRW$ 8 635 085655065506560+0.15%3 sec.
TRX_KRW$ 7 937 095419419420+0.24%3 sec.
UXLINK_KRW$ 7 861 435981980982+0.20%3 sec.
AVAX_KRW$ 7 533 054747007465074700+0.0669%3 sec.
ALGO_KRW$ 7 214 164617616617+0.16%3 sec.
PUFFER_KRW$ 6 700 897105010491050+0.0953%3 sec.
FLOKI_KRW$ 5 903 1790.34570.34570.346+0.0867%3 sec.
MEW_KRW$ 5 748 15811.6611.6511.66+0.0858%3 sec.
REQ_KRW$ 5 648 238218217218+0.46%3 sec.
TURBO_KRW$ 5 406 32216.5616.5716.58+0.0603%3 sec.
TDROP_KRW$ 5 373 0634.7054.7044.705+0.0212%3 sec.
STX_KRW$ 4 574 383332633223325+0.0903%3 sec.
APT_KRW$ 4 545 339201402011020160+0.25%3 sec.
BCH_KRW$ 4 538 177777000775500777000+0.19%3 sec.
SEI_KRW$ 4 401 890864862864+0.23%3 sec.