1.021 USD
0.907 EUR
90.870 INR
1 264.710 ARS
49 425 EUR
5 245 108 INR
69 433 297 ARS
2 188 EUR
217 899 INR
2 942 171 ARS
473.434 EUR
46 079.333 INR
627 862.667 ARS

Market Bithumb


The Bithumb cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 230,904,574 per day and is ranked 16 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 6.11 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 303 coins and has 311 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 230 904 574
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Bithumb

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
FLOW_KRW$ 79 240706705706+0.14%0 sec.
AQT_KRW$ 79 177102510231024+0.0977%0 sec.
FITFI_KRW$ 76 5643.6113.6073.626+0.53%0 sec.
GMT_KRW$ 76 193152152153+0.66%0 sec.
FANC_KRW$ 76 08410.2610.2610.29+0.29%0 sec.
CHZ_KRW$ 74 99268.8168.868.9+0.15%0 sec.
PYTH_KRW$ 73 957350349351+0.57%0 sec.
QTUM_KRW$ 73 245287828772884+0.24%0 sec.
ORBS_KRW$ 72 08830.2830.2630.33+0.23%0 sec.
CTC_KRW$ 70 856596595596+0.17%0 sec.
UNI_KRW$ 68 614879087658790+0.29%0 sec.
FIT_KRW$ 68 1020.71150.71160.712+0.0562%0 sec.
MTL_KRW$ 67 192113111311133+0.18%0 sec.
PCI_KRW$ 66 231142141142+0.71%0 sec.
CRV_KRW$ 66 154356354356+0.56%0 sec.
POLA_KRW$ 65 80629.0328.9229.06+0.48%0 sec.
EGG_KRW$ 64 4143.9993.954+1.27%0 sec.
BIOT_KRW$ 64 3161.8811.8811.893+0.64%0 sec.
CSPR_KRW$ 62 15015.3115.3115.32+0.0653%0 sec.
AKT_KRW$ 61 982308330653084+0.62%0 sec.
SPURS_KRW$ 61 348232723272346+0.82%0 sec.
NCT_KRW$ 60 15316.7116.7116.76+0.30%0 sec.
ALGO_KRW$ 59 653166166167+0.60%0 sec.
MINA_KRW$ 59 032545546548+0.37%0 sec.
TFUEL_KRW$ 57 21771.1971.0671.2+0.20%0 sec.
FNSA_KRW$ 56 253254602527025400+0.51%0 sec.
MLK_KRW$ 56 086267267268+0.37%0 sec.
POLYX_KRW$ 55 357282280282+0.71%0 sec.
LDO_KRW$ 55 011125512551258+0.24%0 sec.
XPR_KRW$ 54 4061.0411.0361.041+0.48%0 sec.
CYBER_KRW$ 54 280420942064216+0.24%0 sec.
FLR_KRW$ 52 99719.719.719.76+0.30%0 sec.
COMP_KRW$ 52 604563505615056400+0.45%0 sec.
THETA_KRW$ 52 055153515341540+0.39%0 sec.
HIGH_KRW$ 51 263170617071713+0.35%0 sec.
MKR_KRW$ 51 192211400021160002120000+0.19%0 sec.
VET_KRW$ 50 87427.8927.927.96+0.22%0 sec.
PYR_KRW$ 50 459328532983306+0.24%0 sec.
CFX_KRW$ 50 162175174175+0.57%0 sec.
XCN_KRW$ 49 1931.7121.7041.711+0.41%0 sec.
MANTA_KRW$ 47 059870869872+0.35%0 sec.
WAXL_KRW$ 46 969685681685+0.59%0 sec.
ZTX_KRW$ 46 6706.6366.5916.64+0.74%0 sec.
BORA_KRW$ 46 391107106107+0.94%0 sec.
GRND_KRW$ 46 136122121122+0.83%0 sec.
DAO_KRW$ 45 781375371375+1.08%0 sec.
TDROP_KRW$ 44 3702.9242.9162.928+0.41%0 sec.
FXS_KRW$ 43 588239823922398+0.25%0 sec.
ARPA_KRW$ 42 36846.8746.8347.05+0.47%0 sec.
ZRX_KRW$ 41 908367367368+0.27%0 sec.