1.017 USD
0.907 EUR
90.870 INR
1 263.577 ARS
49 418 EUR
5 245 002 INR
69 433 320 ARS
2 188 EUR
217 899 INR
2 942 426 ARS
473.447 EUR
46 085.333 INR
627 862.667 ARS

Market Bithumb


The Bithumb cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 231,211,802 per day and is ranked 16 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 6.11 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 303 coins and has 311 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 231 211 802
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Bithumb

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
ZRX_KRW$ 41 910367367368+0.27%4 sec.
IOTX_KRW$ 40 29043.0143.0543.27+0.51%4 sec.
SXP_KRW$ 40 209252251252+0.40%4 sec.
ONG_KRW$ 39 757351352354+0.57%4 sec.
ASM_KRW$ 38 03423.4423.2523.43+0.77%4 sec.
BOA_KRW$ 37 59918.3818.3918.46+0.38%4 sec.
GMX_KRW$ 37 576309803093031060+0.42%4 sec.
TEMCO_KRW$ 37 3932.082.0772.085+0.39%4 sec.
ANKR_KRW$ 37 21229.973030.11+0.37%4 sec.
QTCON_KRW$ 37 1591.7661.761.766+0.34%4 sec.
RSR_KRW$ 36 4656.556.5656.581+0.24%4 sec.
CTK_KRW$ 36 240684679685+0.88%4 sec.
STORJ_KRW$ 35 594454453454+0.22%4 sec.
ILV_KRW$ 35 335488804880048900+0.20%4 sec.
GRT_KRW$ 35 330182181182+0.55%4 sec.
HVH_BTC$ 35 2030.000000140.000000130.00000014+7.69%4 sec.
AXS_KRW$ 34 835578558155830+0.26%4 sec.
POWR_KRW$ 34 340240239241+0.84%4 sec.
NEO_KRW$ 34 319124301244012460+0.16%4 sec.
EGLD_KRW$ 33 806334503343033560+0.39%4 sec.
SC_KRW$ 32 3255.5735.5525.572+0.36%4 sec.
STPT_KRW$ 30 66353.5253.4453.69+0.47%4 sec.
W_KRW$ 30 347269269271+0.74%4 sec.
RAD_KRW$ 28 929136713651368+0.22%4 sec.
LWA_KRW$ 28 63228.4428.228.43+0.82%4 sec.
RLC_KRW$ 28 508182518281834+0.33%4 sec.
GLM_KRW$ 28 375348348349+0.29%4 sec.
REQ_KRW$ 28 208132131133+1.53%4 sec.
ONT_KRW$ 27 974217217218+0.46%4 sec.
ARK_KRW$ 27 968390391393+0.51%4 sec.
OGN_KRW$ 27 912107106108+1.89%4 sec.
DYDX_KRW$ 27 163119211941197+0.25%4 sec.
SNX_KRW$ 26 468173717301737+0.40%4 sec.
BAL_KRW$ 26 181227022712280+0.40%4 sec.
KSM_KRW$ 25 958243002429024350+0.25%4 sec.
BEL_KRW$ 25 106635634637+0.47%4 sec.
MAGIC_KRW$ 24 695429430432+0.47%4 sec.
ID_KRW$ 24 049435435437+0.46%4 sec.
AZIT_KRW$ 23 58332.6332.6132.72+0.34%4 sec.
BTT_KRW$ 23 4460.00110.0010.0011+10.00%4 sec.
WOM_KRW$ 23 08128.8428.6728.87+0.70%4 sec.
CORE_KRW$ 22 937115411501155+0.43%4 sec.
ACS_KRW$ 22 6752.0011.9941.999+0.25%4 sec.
MBL_KRW$ 21 9753.2693.2693.277+0.24%4 sec.
GTC_KRW$ 21 738773771774+0.39%4 sec.
AMO_KRW$ 21 5300.72120.72120.7234+0.31%4 sec.
CELR_KRW$ 21 12614.2114.1914.25+0.42%4 sec.
UMA_KRW$ 20 621286928722880+0.28%4 sec.
MASK_KRW$ 19 685259226012607+0.23%4 sec.
TALK_BTC$ 19 3140.000000640.000000640.00000065+1.56%4 sec.