1.029 USD
0.965 EUR
93.403 INR
1 203.160 ARS
97 091 EUR
9 610 310 INR
114 608 512 ARS
3 462 EUR
329 258 INR
4 138 927 ARS
685.169 EUR
65 121.967 INR
818 843.127 ARS

Market Bithumb


The Bithumb cryptocurrency exchange has a daily trading volume of $ 1,936,845,453 per day and is ranked 16 in Coinmarketcap.

The exchange rating is estimated at 6.11 points, which takes into account traffic, liquidity, volume, reserves. This is a good rating for the exchange, so it is worth considering it as a good exchange.

The exchange has 332 coins and has 339 trading pairs.

Coinmarketcap Rating:
Volume 24H:
$ 1 936 845 453
Number of coins:
Number of tickers:

Exchange tickers Bithumb

$, Volume Last BUY SELL Spread Update
LWA_KRW$ 90 00133.533.1133.49+1.15%5 sec.
DAO_KRW$ 83 911527527537+1.90%5 sec.
METIS_KRW$ 83 482660006565065950+0.46%5 sec.
SKY_KRW$ 79 766103102103+0.98%5 sec.
CELR_KRW$ 78 22827.927.5427.92+1.38%5 sec.
ILV_KRW$ 75 803617506145061700+0.41%5 sec.
WOO_KRW$ 70 883309307308+0.33%5 sec.
FX_KRW$ 68 246204203204+0.49%5 sec.
EDU_KRW$ 67 693759756760+0.53%5 sec.
C98_KRW$ 65 317246246247+0.41%5 sec.
KAVA_KRW$ 64 339640637641+0.63%5 sec.
AVAIL_KRW$ 63 110182180182+1.11%5 sec.
GRACY_KRW$ 62 23949.749.7150.09+0.76%5 sec.
SPURS_KRW$ 59 112199719861998+0.60%5 sec.
HFT_KRW$ 57 907309304306+0.66%5 sec.
BEL_KRW$ 55 155826826832+0.73%5 sec.
RLC_KRW$ 54 542291729012918+0.59%5 sec.
OGN_KRW$ 50 516159157159+1.27%5 sec.
AL_KRW$ 45 977181179181+1.12%5 sec.
COTI_KRW$ 44 818180180182+1.11%5 sec.
MEV_KRW$ 42 9255.8195.8195.844+0.43%5 sec.
BFC_KRW$ 41 27467.8767.0567.87+1.22%5 sec.
GMX_KRW$ 39 456421804218042420+0.57%5 sec.
USDS_KRW$ 33 345151115041514+0.66%5 sec.
ARPA_KRW$ 33 00471.3771.1171.82+1.00%5 sec.
FLUX_KRW$ 29 651877870876+0.69%5 sec.
CTSI_KRW$ 28 833229226228+0.88%5 sec.
BAL_KRW$ 28 392382837723827+1.46%5 sec.
BNT_KRW$ 20 365102110151021+0.59%5 sec.
KWENTA_BTC$ 15 6190.000292950.000281010.00029198+3.90%4 sec.
AUDIO_KRW$ 15 387232230232+0.87%5 sec.
KAIA_BTC$ 13 3700.000002290.000002270.0000023+1.32%4 sec.
DICE_BTC$ 8 5480.000000070.000000070.00000008+14.29%4 sec.
ENS_BTC$ 7 6470.000352730.000350.0003699+5.69%4 sec.
HVH_BTC$ 7 3860.000000050.000000040.00000005+25.00%4 sec.
CSPR_BTC$ 6 1020.000000170.000000150.00000017+13.33%4 sec.
AHT_BTC$ 4 3440.000000050.000000040.00000006+50.00%4 sec.
KSP_BTC$ 3 4950.000001710.000001690.00000177+4.73%4 sec.
BNB_BTC$ 5780.006805290.006724980.00706998+5.13%4 sec.