1.027 USD
0.928 EUR
87.160 INR
1 320.197 ARS
78 011 EUR
8 027 683 INR
111 007 572 ARS
1 754 EUR
183 948 INR
2 512 300 ARS
598.774 EUR
59 632.967 INR
841 609.143 ARS

ETBFiat ETB (Ethiopian birr) on P2P platforms

ETB Fiat currency overview on different P2P exchanges. Find out which exchanges you can trade on ETB in P2P.
≈ 154.77 ETB

Average selling price of 1 USDT on P2P platforms for ETB

≈ 13 792 278 ETB

Average selling price of 1 BTC on P2P platforms for ETB


Average selling price of 1 ETH on P2P platforms for ETB

On average, you can now buy on P2P platforms: 1 USDT (Tether USD) for 154.77 ETB, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) for 13 792 278 ETB.

Average price ETB (Ethiopian birr) on P2P exchanges

The value of assets is calculated using 3 popular payment methods and the average TOP5 price in the order book.

BUY Section

At this price you can buy cryptocurrency for ETB. In the BUY section, makers (ad owners) sell cryptocurrency to visitors.

Binance P2P154.5413 792 277.77-
Bybit P2P---
HTX P2P---
Okx P2P155.00--
Kucoin P2P---
Bitget P2P---
Mexc P2P---
BingX P2PNEW!---
Average:≈ 154.77≈ 13 792 277.77-

SELL section

At this price you can sell cryptocurrency for ETB. In the SELL section, makers (ad owners) buy cryptocurrency from visitors.


Statistics of volumes and activity of ETB on P2P markets

The table displays ETB (Ethiopian birr) activity over 24 hours, the number and volume of advertisements on P2P crypto exchanges.
Ads Count**Ads Volume
# P2P Exchange Buy Sell Total **Buy **Sell Total
1Binance P2P12 676175322497$ 112 180$ 709 007$ 821 187
2Okx P2P-40115155$ 18 291$ 522 822$ 541 113
3BingX P2PNEW!--1919$ 0$ 87 754$ 87 754
4Bybit P2P-------
5HTX P2P-------
6Bitget P2P-------
7Kucoin P2P-------
8Mexc P2P-------
Total:215456671$ 130 471$ 1 319 584$ 1 450 054

Chart of RUB changes on P2P platforms

Chart of volume and activity changes for ETB (Ethiopian birr) on P2P exchanges.

TOP 30 payment methods in P2P for ETB (Ethiopian birr)

Shows the best ways to buy or sell cryptocurrency through ETB.
#P2P ExchangeMethods *Activity 24HTotal Ads BUY Ads
1Binance P2PCBE4 973399144255
2Binance P2PTele Birr3 20124596149
3Binance P2PAbyssinia1 41619675121
4Binance P2PAwash1 1091515497
5Okx P2PCommercial Bank of Ethiopia013634102
6Okx P2PTele Birr01082583
7Binance P2PDashen516803248
8Okx P2PBank of Abyssinia0731063
9Binance P2PCBE Birr963702842
10Binance P2PCorporate Bank Of Oromia11420812
11Binance P2PHibret Bank120201010
12Binance P2PBank Transfer4119514
13Binance P2PMPesa Ethiopia711367
14Binance P2PWegagen Bank152936
15Binance P2PInternational Wire (SWIFT)0211

P2P arbitrage opportunities for ETB

List of P2P.Army tools for finding arbitrage opportunities.
P2P order book constructor HOT!
P2P spreads
P2P prices