1.015 USD
0.909 EUR
88.417 INR
1 241.193 ARS
51 957 EUR
5 162 859 INR
70 672 333 ARS
2 174 EUR
221 833 INR
2 938 977 ARS
478.754 EUR
48 499.600 INR
650 998.567 ARS

VESFiat VES (Venezuelan bolívar) on P2P platforms

VES Fiat currency overview on different P2P exchanges. Find out which exchanges you can trade on VES in P2P.
≈ 43.22 VES

Average selling price of 1 USDT on P2P platforms for VES

≈ 2 617 166 VES

Average selling price of 1 BTC on P2P platforms for VES

≈ 110 488 VES

Average selling price of 1 ETH on P2P platforms for VES

On average, you can now buy on P2P platforms: 1 USDT (Tether USD) for 43.22 VES, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) for 2 617 166 VES, 1 ETH (Ethereum) for 110 488 VES.

Average price VES (Venezuelan bolívar) on P2P exchanges

The value of assets is calculated using 3 popular payment methods and the average TOP5 price in the order book.

BUY Section

At this price you can buy cryptocurrency for VES. In the BUY section, makers (ad owners) sell cryptocurrency to visitors.

Binance P2P43.372 539 168.02110 488.35
Bybit P2P43.452 695 163.91-
HTX P2P---
Okx P2P43.59--
Kucoin P2P---
Bitget P2P42.47--
Mexc P2P---
Average:≈ 43.22≈ 2 617 165.96≈ 110 488.35

SELL section

At this price you can sell cryptocurrency for VES. In the SELL section, makers (ad owners) buy cryptocurrency from visitors.


Statistics of volumes and activity of VES on P2P markets

The table displays VES (Venezuelan bolívar) activity over 24 hours, the number and volume of advertisements on P2P crypto exchanges.
Ads Count**Ads Volume
# P2P Exchange Buy Sell Total **Buy **Sell Total
1Binance P2P112 0063081 0701 378$ 588 303$ 2 495 674$ 3 083 978
2Okx P2P3 6692775102$ 13 287$ 421 925$ 435 213
3Bybit P2P3 628326395$ 12 463$ 262 586$ 275 049
4Bitget P2P91098190$ 5 092$ 192 784$ 197 876
5HTX P2P----$ 0$ 0-
6Kucoin P2P-------
7Mexc P2P-------
Total:3761 2891 665$ 619 146$ 3 372 969$ 3 992 114

Chart of RUB changes on P2P platforms

Chart of volume and activity changes for VES (Venezuelan bolívar) on P2P exchanges.

TOP 30 payment methods in P2P for VES (Venezuelan bolívar)

Shows the best ways to buy or sell cryptocurrency through VES.
#P2P ExchangeMethods *Activity 24HTotal Ads BUY Ads
1Binance P2PPago Movil21 310767217550
2Binance P2PBanesco23 306690194496
3Binance P2PMercantil11 653459147312
4Binance P2PProvincial11 846434157277
5Binance P2PTransfers with specific bank14 888422115307
6Binance P2PBank Transfer14 066361108253
7Binance P2PBancamiga4 84220962147
8Binance P2PBNC Banco Nacional de Crédito4 29916947122
9Binance P2PBBVA3 348973958
10Binance P2PBancaribe1 825812556
11Okx P2PPago movil0772057
12Bitget P2PPago Móvil23271962
13Bitget P2PBanco de Venezuela16967661
14Okx P2PBank transfer944671354
15Bybit P2PPago Movil915642440
16Okx P2PBanesco905621151
17Bitget P2PBanesco6760159
18Okx P2PMercantil954601446
19Bybit P2PBanesco628531538
20Bitget P2PMercantil10850545
21Binance P2PBanplus34146343
22Bybit P2PMercantil34537928
23Okx P2PProvincial57534529
24Bybit P2PBank Transfer (Venezuela)570321022
25Bybit P2PProvincial467301119
26Bybit P2PBank Transfer270281018
27Bitget P2PBBVA5027225
28Bitget P2PBNC2826026
29Binance P2PBanco Activo6326719
30Bitget P2PProvincial2726125

P2P arbitrage opportunities for VES

List of P2P.Army tools for finding arbitrage opportunities.
P2P order book constructor HOT!
P2P spreads
P2P prices