Fiat IDR (Indonesian rupiah) on P2P platforms
IDR Fiat currency overview on different P2P exchanges. Find out which exchanges you can trade on IDR in P2P.
≈ 16 625 IDR
Average selling price of 1 USDT on P2P platforms for IDR
≈ 1 998 103 581 IDR
Average selling price of 1 BTC on P2P platforms for IDR
≈ 70 130 822 IDR
Average selling price of 1 ETH on P2P platforms for IDR
On average, you can now buy on P2P platforms: 1 USDT (Tether USD) for 16 625 IDR, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) for 1 998 103 581 IDR, 1 ETH (Ethereum) for 70 130 822 IDR.
Average price IDR (Indonesian rupiah) on P2P exchanges
The value of assets is calculated using 3 popular payment methods and the average TOP5 price in the order book.
BUY Section
At this price you can buy cryptocurrency for IDR. In the BUY section, makers (ad owners) sell cryptocurrency to visitors.
Market | USDT | BTC | ETH |
Binance P2P | 16 365.60 | 1 725 231 490.46 | 61 947 973.56 |
Bybit P2P | 16 384.33 | 1 950 700 443.75 | 71 792 568.33 |
HTX P2P | 17 118.06 | - | - |
Okx P2P | 16 379.60 | 2 355 780 998.00 | 82 229 387.00 |
Kucoin P2P | 16 939.55 | 2 063 530 459.56 | - |
Bitget P2P | 16 152.40 | 1 895 274 512.50 | 64 553 361.00 |
Mexc P2P | - | - | - |
BingX P2PNEW! | 17 033.22 | - | - |
Average: | ≈ 16 624.68 | ≈ 1 998 103 580.85 | ≈ 70 130 822.47 |
SELL section
At this price you can sell cryptocurrency for IDR. In the SELL section, makers (ad owners) buy cryptocurrency from visitors.
Market | USDT | BTC | ETH |
Binance P2P | 16 299.07 | 1 581 774 180.22 | 55 377 880.29 |
Bybit P2P | 16 307.60 | 1 535 902 654.27 | 52 106 446.27 |
HTX P2P | 15 801.62 | 1 348 468 838.32 | 32 956 352.11 |
Okx P2P | 16 290.47 | 1 452 738 529.80 | 50 758 189.87 |
Kucoin P2P | 15 381.07 | 1 391 141 405.22 | 48 875 236.00 |
Bitget P2P | 16 291.00 | 1 485 171 176.80 | 50 595 504.80 |
Mexc P2P | - | - | - |
BingX P2PNEW! | 15 918.22 | - | - |
Average: | ≈ 16 041.29 | ≈ 1 465 866 130.77 | ≈ 48 444 934.89 |
Statistics of volumes and activity of IDR on P2P markets
The table displays IDR (Indonesian rupiah) activity over 24 hours, the number and volume of advertisements on P2P crypto exchanges.
Ads Count | **Ads Volume | |||||||
# | P2P Exchange | Buy | Sell | Total | **Buy | **Sell | Total | |
1 | Binance P2P | 71 271 | 234 | 531 | 765 | $ 2 319 148 | $ 4 617 861 | $ 6 937 010 |
2 | Bybit P2P | 39 336 | 90 | 175 | 265 | $ 314 611 | $ 1 662 729 | $ 1 977 340 |
3 | Bitget P2P | 107 522 | 70 | 184 | 254 | $ 82 247 | $ 836 926 | $ 919 173 |
4 | Okx P2P | 29 202 | 40 | 157 | 197 | $ 70 810 | $ 1 177 796 | $ 1 248 606 |
5 | Kucoin P2P | 891 | 9 | 45 | 54 | $ 17 091 | $ 484 647 | $ 501 738 |
6 | HTX P2P | 633 | 13 | 36 | 49 | $ 10 764 | $ 342 951 | $ 353 715 |
7 | BingX P2PNEW! | 295 | 8 | 28 | 36 | $ 3 944 | $ 93 977 | $ 97 921 |
8 | Mexc P2P | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total: | 464 | 1 156 | 1 620 | $ 2 818 616 | $ 9 216 887 | $ 12 035 503 |
Chart of RUB changes on P2P platforms
Chart of volume and activity changes for IDR (Indonesian rupiah) on P2P exchanges.
TOP 30 payment methods in P2P for IDR (Indonesian rupiah)
Shows the best ways to buy or sell cryptocurrency through IDR.
P2P arbitrage opportunities for IDR
List of P2P.Army tools for finding arbitrage opportunities.
Tool | Total | Maker-Taker | Taker-Maker | Taker-Taker | Maker-Maker |
P2P order book constructor HOT! | |||||
P2P spreads | |||||
P2P prices |