1.021 USD
0.966 EUR
94.393 INR
1 217.993 ARS
102 296 EUR
10 610 101 INR
129 650 000 ARS
3 498 EUR
334 680 INR
4 149 219 ARS
725.210 EUR
69 063.333 INR
868 609.590 ARS

VNDFiat VND (Vietnamese dong) on P2P platforms

VND Fiat currency overview on different P2P exchanges. Find out which exchanges you can trade on VND in P2P.
≈ 26 095 VND

Average selling price of 1 USDT on P2P platforms for VND

≈ 3 165 699 680 VND

Average selling price of 1 BTC on P2P platforms for VND

≈ 101 206 542 VND

Average selling price of 1 ETH on P2P platforms for VND

On average, you can now buy on P2P platforms: 1 USDT (Tether USD) for 26 095 VND, 1 BTC (Bitcoin) for 3 165 699 680 VND, 1 ETH (Ethereum) for 101 206 542 VND.

Average price VND (Vietnamese dong) on P2P exchanges

The value of assets is calculated using 3 popular payment methods and the average TOP5 price in the order book.

Statistics of volumes and activity of VND on P2P markets

The table displays VND (Vietnamese dong) activity over 24 hours, the number and volume of advertisements on P2P crypto exchanges.
Ads Count**Ads Volume
# P2P Exchange Buy Sell Total **Buy **Sell Total
1Binance P2P69 2463921 0091 401$ 3 754 883$ 7 038 550$ 10 793 433
2Okx P2P19 405133215348$ 1 010 829$ 1 742 607$ 2 753 437
3Bybit P2P13 806109167276$ 662 143$ 2 142 778$ 2 804 921
4Bitget P2P3 23342165207$ 63 627$ 1 361 817$ 1 425 444
5Mexc P2P7 4023390123$ 192 159$ 854 702$ 1 046 861
6Kucoin P2P5402195116$ 35 241$ 1 081 727$ 1 116 968
7HTX P2P850246791$ 57 076$ 858 478$ 915 554
8BingX P2PNEW!2 132225779$ 132 389$ 327 076$ 459 465
Total:7761 8652 641$ 5 908 348$ 15 407 735$ 21 316 084

Chart of RUB changes on P2P platforms

Chart of volume and activity changes for VND (Vietnamese dong) on P2P exchanges.

TOP 30 payment methods in P2P for VND (Vietnamese dong)

Shows the best ways to buy or sell cryptocurrency through VND.
#P2P ExchangeMethods *Activity 24HTotal Ads BUY Ads
1Binance P2PBank Transfer29 8571 045290755
2Binance P2PBank Transfer (Vietnam)26 570878208670
3Binance P2PMoMo3 354474115359
4Binance P2PViettel Money2 22730754253
5Okx P2PBank transfer9 896282125157
6Binance P2PZaloPay1 69824160181
7Bybit P2PBank Transfer4 4601697099
8Bitget P2PBank Transfer2 59015731126
9Binance P2PTransfers with specific bank2 75614935114
10Kucoin P2PBANK3911042183
11Bybit P2PBanks transfer (Vietnam)2 304904347
12HTX P2PBank Transfer712832459
13Okx P2PVietcombank1 736824042
14Bybit P2PMoMo595823052
15Mexc P2PBank Account6 647813447
16Binance P2PVNPAY250781563
17Bitget P2PMomo264751758
18Kucoin P2PMOMO105721458
19Okx P2PMB1 588714031
20Bybit P2PVietcombank882712843
21Bybit P2PBIDV654642143
22Kucoin P2PBANK_TRANSFER0631152
23Okx P2PMoMo976623527
24Okx P2PBIDV727613130
25Okx P2PTechcom Bank0593524
26Okx P2PVPBank681543519
27Bitget P2PViettelPay21051942
28HTX P2PBank Transfer (Vietnam)63501436
29Bitget P2PZaloPay9649643
30Binance P2PCash Deposit to Bank2 200492029

P2P arbitrage opportunities for VND

List of P2P.Army tools for finding arbitrage opportunities.
P2P order book constructor HOT!
P2P spreads
P2P prices