USDT/AED exchange rate historical chart on P2P platforms
Exchange rate data for AED (United Arab Emirates dirham) is collected from several P2P markets.
P2P Price type: BUY (selling) SELL (buying)
Chart settings
Add any payment methods from P2P platforms to the chart.
Binance P2P:
Huobi P2P:
Okx P2P:
Bank TransferEmirates NBD BankAl Maryah Community BankAbu Dhabi Commercial BankMashreq BankAbu Dhabi Islamic BankAl Hilal BankFirst Abu Dhabi BankEmirates Islamic BankBank of SharjahDubai Islamic BankCommercial Bank of DubaiSkrillPaybyArab BankAjman BankEtisalat WalletHSBCStandard CharteredCommercial Bank International
Bitget P2P:
Bingx P2P:NEW!
Bank TransferAbu Dhabi Commercial Bank ADCBEmirates NBDAL MASHREQ BankNational Bank of Abu Dhabi FABADIB: Abu Dhabi Islamic BankAl Hilal BankHSBC Bank Middle East- UAEmBankPyyplBank Transfer (Middle East)Commercial Bank of DubaiAlinma BankEtisalat CashCash Deposit to BankPayeerCash in Person TransactionArab BankTransfer with Specific BankAl Rajhi Bank
Kucoin P2P:
This section presents a historical chart of cryptoasset rates from P2P platforms.
You can add any payment methods and assets from P2P exchanges to the chart, as well as add fiat banks and central banks for comparison. Banks can connect to the chart only for USDT-like pairs.
Our quote database has been collected since the beginning of 2023. We index all fiat currencies and crypto assets every hour without restrictions. Historical data is collected:
- For Binance P2P and OKX P2P the database is being collected from March 2023.
- For Huobi P2P and Bybit P2P the database is being collected from December 2023.
- From December 2023 for some central and fiat banks.
- New P2P platforms starting January 14, 2024.
P2P price type: Previously, we collected the average price of the TOP3 ads, but recently we began to save the average price of the TOP5 ads by payment method.
The number of simultaneous data on the chart depends on your tariff: PREMIUM - 10 pcs., STANDARD - 5 pcs., Free - 1 pcs.